Fruits Basket Titles Anime Animation
Fruits Basket is also known as "Furuba", from "Furustu Basuketto", the Japanese pronunciation of the series' title. Fruits basket started as a manga by Takaya Natsuki, published in the bi-monthly "Hana to Yume", and then became an anime.
Top: Arts: Animation: Anime: Titles: F
Fruits Basket
See Also:
- Top/Arts/Comics/Manga/Titles/F/Fruits Basket
- Top/Arts/Animation/Anime/Genres/Drama
- Top/Arts/Animation/Anime/Genres/Romance
- Top/Arts/Animation/Anime/Genres/Comedy
- Top/Arts/Comics/Manga/Genres/Shôjo
- The Nihon Review - Fruits Basket - Story, review, and images.
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