Villas Houses Building Types Architecture

The official site gives an illustrated history and virtual tour of this Italian Renaissance villa with frescos and ornate 18th-century stables. Visitor information.

    Top: Arts: Architecture: Building Types: Houses


See Also:
  • Max Gate - The Victorian villa which Thomas Hardy designed and building types built building types for himself in 1885. History, plan of building types the gardens, building types visits seminars and the Thomas Hardy building types Essay Competition.
  • Roman Villas in Britain - Guy de la Bédoyère describes how classical Roman houses villas were building types built and used, with examples from houses Britain and bibliography. Illustrations building types include reconstructions.
  • The Roman Villa of Piazza Armerina, Sicily - An illustrated room-by-room description by René Seindal of building types the houses villa with the richest collection of late building types Roman mosaics. houses Includes bibliography, plan and more than building types 200 photographs.
  • Wikipedia: Palladian Villas of the Veneto - An introduction to this cluster of works by building types Andrea Palladio and his students which are listed building types as a World Heritage site. The list of building types villas includes links to illustrated articles on specific building types villas.
  • Wikipedia: Villa - An illustrated definition and description of the various villas types of houses building which have been called villas villas from Roman to modern houses from the collaborative encyclopedia.
  • Porto-Colleoni-Thiene - The official site gives an illustrated history and building types virtual villas tour of this Italian Renaissance villa with building types frescos and villas ornate 18th-century stables. Visitor information.
  • Craig Ailey Villa - Ken Owen provides an illustrated history of the villa in villas Cove, on the Firth of Clyde, designed by Alexander "Greek" villas Thomson. Includes measured drawings and excerpts from sources.
  • Villa Aldobrandini, Rome - Paula J. Howarth tells the story of this building types villa villas built at the beginning of the 17th building types century by villas Cardinal Pietro Aldobrandini, with bibliography.
  • Medici Villas in Florence and its Surroundings - A photograph and description of each from Your villas Way to houses Florence.

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