The Art of War Sun Tzu Chinese World Literature
Top: Arts: Literature: World Literature: Chinese: Sun Tzu
The Art of War
- Dean McNicol - Article on Sun Tzu Art of War and sun tzu its chinese various aspects.
- LibriVox - Audio recording in MP3 format.
- Bowdoin College - Offers a commented version of "The Art of the art of sun tzu war War".
- Advancing Women - Discussion on defeating workplace adversaries using Sun Tzu\'s principles.
- Tim Hoyt - Analysis of Sun Tzu Art of War relating chinese to the game Diplomacy.
- ChinaStrategies - Stefan Verstappen\\'s 36 Strategies, counterpart to the Art sun tzu of the art of war War in politics and diplomacy.
- Remembering Sun-Tzu: Israel and The Art Of War - Article from Israel Insider, by Louis Rene Beres.
- Conversation with Thomas Huynh - Author of The Art of War – Spirituality sun tzu for the art of war Conflict discusses his book.
- Project Gutenberg - Offers an electronic version with translator's annotations.
- Mailsbroadcast - Outline of the Art of War for each sun tzu chapter.
- Author Foo Check Teck - Website of Art of War and strategy expert.
- Information Warfare - By Lieutenant Colonel William R. Fast, United States Army.
- About the Art of War - A comparison with "Japan\\'s Art of War", the sun tzu Book the art of war of Five Rings.
- Bob Sutton - Discussion on Lionel Giles' Art of War translation.
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