Databases Movies Arts
Allows users to search for films using flexible criteria. Film listings include general information, cast and crew, synopses, reviews. Allows users to rate films on several dimensions.
Top: Arts: Movies
See Also:
Editor's Picks:
The Internet Movie Database - Features plot summaries, reviews, cast lists, and theatre schedules.
- - Listings include detailed synopses and content ratings, images, expanded genre descriptions, reviews, user ratings along with demographic information, as well as production notes.
- - Offers news, trailers, reviews, showtimes and tickets, and databases synopsis summaries for films currently in theaters and databases new to DVD and video.
- Foreign Films Database - Foreign and independent films, with in-depth articles and biographies, user reviews, and message boards. Searchable by title or director, cross-listed by country, genre, or language. User contributions welcome.
- Asian Movie Database - Allows searching by title, people, location, language, genre, or year. Listings include general information, reviews, cast and crew details, multimedia, and links.
- Navidot Movie Gateway - Provides a personalized movie database manager with a databases wishlist and the ability to trade with other databases users. Film entries includes brief synopses, cast and databases crew, photographs, and ratings.
- Scoops Cinema Portal - Film listings include synopses, multimedia, and user ratings. databases Also contains information about upcoming movies, film databases festivals, and celebrities.
- I Heart Movies - Films may be searched and browsed alphabetically, by databases genre, user databases ranking, or tags. Listings include synopses, databases credits, trailers, images, and databases trivia. Registered users may databases build personal collections using the site\'s databases resources.
- AsOpen Movie Database - Open-content site collecting and distributing information about movies. Provides movies browse, search, and data dumps to the public.
- All Movie Guide - Allows users to search for films using flexible movies criteria. Film movies listings include general information, cast and movies crew, synopses, reviews. Allows movies users to rate films movies on several dimensions.
- MovieThing - Contains film reviews, movie-themed E-cards, poster art, celebrity databases biographies and movies photographs, games, and discussion forums.
- Rasp New Movie Database - Information about released, new, and upcoming films, listed databases by title, year, or person (actors or directors). databases Entries include cast, crew, and poster art.
- Open Media Database - A free movie database that anyone can edit. Listings include arts general film information, synopses, posters, partial cast lists, and links arts to similar films.
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