Ultra Reviews Depeche Mode Bands and Artists

Ned Raggett's review: "The most immediate change was Gahan's singing; for the first time ever, he took singing lessons beforehand, and his new control and projection simply shines..." 3 stars.

    Top: Arts: Music: Bands and Artists: D: Depeche Mode: Reviews


  • AMG All Music Guide: Ultra - Ned Raggett\\'s review: "The most immediate change was depeche mode Gahan\\'s ultra singing; for the first time ever, he depeche mode took singing ultra lessons beforehand, and his new control depeche mode and projection simply ultra shines..." 3 stars.
  • Rolling Stone: Ultra - Elysa Gardner\\'s review: "moody, pulsating ballads such as ultra "The Bottom Line" and "The Love Thieves" are ultra ideal vehicles for Gahan\\'s brooding baritone and for ultra the band\\'s ever-increasing sense of tender intuition." 3 ultra stars.
  • CMJ: Ultra - CMJ review: " this is the most depressing ultra fare we\\'ve heard from the band since the ultra days of Black Celebration. And coincidentally, it\'s one ultra of the best."
  • NME: Ultra - James Oldham\\'s review: "Issues are skirted, poetry is ultra attempted and we\\'re left clutching another instalment of ultra stadium-orientated angst, at a time when we were ultra expecting reflective intimacy." Rating: 6/10.

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