Taylor, John Bands and Artists Music

Duran Duran bassist John Taylor's official site, includes up to date news, photos, contributions from John plus his solo CDs available for purchase.

    Top: Arts: Music: Bands and Artists: T

Taylor, John

See Also:
  • John Taylor and Nick Rhodes: Masters of The Universe - Fan site includes pictures, quotes, a 101 things taylor, john to taylor, john do with Nick Rhodes list, and song taylor, john lyrics.
  • Trust the Process - Duran Duran bassist John Taylor\\'s official site, includes up to taylor, john date news, photos, contributions from John plus his solo CDs taylor, john available for purchase.
  • Rollingstone.com: John Taylor - Includes biography, discography, articles, video file, and message bands and artists bands and artists board.
  • Doesn't Have To Be Serious - Humorous look at John Taylor with photos, sound files, and discography.
  • TigerBeat - Unofficial site dedicated to John Taylor of Duran Duran. News, bands and artists pictures, reviews, biography, discography and sound clips.

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