Under A Blood Red Sky Reviews U2 Bands and Artists

Stephen Thomas Erlewine's review: "these live versions, while less textured, are considerably tougher than their studio counterparts and illustrate quite effectively why U2 were considered one of the best, most exhilarating live bands of the '80s.&qu

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Under A Blood Red Sky

  • All Music Guide: Under a Blood Red Sky - Stephen Thomas Erlewine\\'s review: "these live versions, while reviews less textured, are considerably tougher than their studio reviews counterparts and illustrate quite effectively why U2 were reviews considered one of the best, most exhilarating live reviews bands of the '80s.&qu
  • Rolling Stone: Under a Blood Red Sky - Christopher Connelly\\'s review: "this eight-song minialbum, culled from under a blood reviews red sky their last tour, gives ample evidence why people under reviews a blood red sky have been calling U2 the best live reviews band under a blood red sky of 1983." 4 out of reviews 5 stars.

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