Polls Charts Music

Vote for your favorite music artists from all genres, including rock, rap, rhythm and blues, death metal, pop and dance.

    Top: Arts: Music: Charts


  • User Ranked Top 100 - Numerous charts covering various genres, based on visitor polls voting.
  • Laudr Underground Music - User submitted links to free music, broken down music by genre, polls and ranked by community votes. Focused music on non-mainstream artists.
  • Top 50 UK Singles - Find the voters choice for best songs by charts year.
  • Vote Your Song - Favorite songs of all time compiled from visitor charts voting.
  • Edge Online Top Music List - Voting for dance, rock, rap, pop songs, artists and albums.
  • albumvote.co.uk - Vote for favorite albums, singles and live charts acts, and music see the results in monthly updated charts charts.
  • thesixtyone - Musicians upload music and listeners decide which songs polls go on charts the homepage.
  • HellWire - Top 100 industrial, EBM, gothic and darkwave bands.
  • Top Five Records - Vote and help make up the top five polls songs of charts all time.
  • MyWebCharts.com - Vote for your favorite music artists from all music genres, including rock, rap, rhythm and blues, death music metal, pop and dance.
  • BUMrock Reader's Choice - Modern Rock song chart as voted on by charts the readers. Includes streaming quicktime sound clips.
  • Desert Island Lists - Share your Top 10 songs and memories with music others, search the music database by Song, Artist music or Album.
  • RateTheMusic.com - Polls for various types of new music; prizes.
  • Happy Songs - Interactive chart of the Top 100 happy songs.

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