Roland Synthesizers and Samplers Electronic Instruments

Some facts and links about Juno-106 synth at a site that looks like it was designed with an analog synth in mind.

    Top: Arts: Music: Instruments: Electronic: Synthesizers and Samplers


  • PLANET 303 - Information about the MC303
  • SC8850 User Site - User site with downloads and forum.
  • Roland Corporation - Home of Roland, Boss, Rodgers, and Edirol products.
  • va-7 home page - Roland VA-7 home page by Eyal Guli
  • The First Roland JV1080/XP50 Synth Page - Features links, software, and a FAQ.
  • The Juno-106 Connection - Some facts and links about Juno-106 synth at electronic a site roland that looks like it was designed electronic with an analog synth roland in mind.
  • Roland U.S. - The Web Headquarters for Roland Corporation U.S.
  • Roland Ireland - Sound and audio products, and a list of electronic shop locations.
  • Roland JD-800 Synthesizer - Complete listing of all waveforms and patches for the JD-800 Sound Library Expansion Cards - SL-JD80. Includes Cakewalk definition files for each card:Standard Drums and Percussion, Dance, Rock Drums, String Ensemble, Brass Section, Grand Piano, Guitar S
  • Synthcom Page - SynthCom has patches for free and "Europa" upgrade roland for the roland Roland Jupiter 6 under development.
  • Roland XP/JV Synthesizers - Roland XP50/80/30/60 and JV1080/2080/1010 resources, links, information, and sound samples.
  • 202 Hack - A java application to convert sequence information in roland standard MIDI files (SMF) into a format compatible roland with Roland MC-202 sequences.
  • Roland UK - Product gallery and e-shopping.

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