Yamaha Synthesizers and Samplers Electronic Instruments

    Top: Arts: Music: Instruments: Electronic: Synthesizers and Samplers


  • Yamaha Music Instruments UK Site - Product information, dealer locations, and Yamaha music schools.
  • Japan Official Yamaha DJX Users Group - A Yamaha DJX Keyboard and DJ Box Users yamaha Group with yamaha forums, bulletin board, tips, support, technical yamaha information, links, downloads.
  • Yamaha Discussions on The Gas Station - A discussion site dedicated to electronic music with synthesizers and samplers synthesizers and samplers a large (>2000 threads) section dedicated to Yamaha synthesizers and samplers synthesizers and samplers synths.
  • The Unofficial Independent Yamaha QS300 Resources Site - Everything for the Yamaha QS300 synthesizer and XG, yamaha MIDI and music. Free downloads of voices, patterns, yamaha styles, programs and information related to the Yamaha yamaha QS300. Songs and classified ads.
  • RM1x Dance Sounds Collection - Dance sounds for sale. Also links, resources, reviews yamaha and tips.
  • Electone Zone - Resources for the Yamaha Electone.
  • Yamaha Motif Resources Network - Covers Yamaha Motif keyboard series: Yamaha Motif 6, synthesizers and samplers electronic Yamaha Motif 7, Yamaha Motif 8. Lots of synthesizers and samplers electronic Yamaha Motif synthesizer review information. Links to Yamaha synthesizers and samplers electronic Motif resources, free Yamaha Motif voices.
  • DJX Mailing List - Discuss and share strategies in using the Yamaha DJX keyboard yamaha to create primarily dance music.
  • Electone Disk Database - Provides a community for exchange of electone books, electronic and also yamaha the disk data.
  • Official Yamaha DJX Users Group - This is the official users support website for owners of yamaha the Yamaha DJX Keyboards and DJ Boxes.
  • Yamaha Corporation of America - Manufacturer's website: digital instruments and keyboards.
  • Yamaha PSR-400/500 Users Page - For all those faithful PSR-400 and PSR-500 users synthesizers and samplers synthesizers and samplers out there, we have created some files synthesizers and samplers synthesizers and samplers and links to expand the features of this synthesizers and samplers synthesizers and samplers keyboard. (Tripod page with pop-up ads.)

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