x Tribute Bands T. Re Bands and Artists Glam Rock

Home page for the Marc Bolan look/sound alike vocalist/guitarist with TRex tribute band Trextasy. News, biography, photos, sound and video files.

    Top: Arts: Music: Styles: By Decade: 1970s: Glam Rock: Bands and Artists: T. Rex

Tribute Bands

See Also:
  • Danielz - Home page for the Marc Bolan look/sound alike t. rex vocalist/guitarist tribute bands with TRex tribute band Trextasy. News, t. rex biography, photos, tribute bands sound and video files.
  • T.Rextasy - Voted as the UK\\'s number one live tribute band by tribute bands a BBC1 \\'Battle of the Fantasy Bands.\\' Biography, fan tribute bands club, member profiles, discography, photos, concert dates, and RealMedia files.

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