On Hiatus Series Stories Young Adult Genres

Chloe and Jenette are two girls who discover they were switched at birth. Stories, pictures, survey, and a message board.

    Top: Arts: Online Writing: Fiction: Genres: Young Adult: Series Stories

On Hiatus

  • Chloe and Jenette - Chloe and Jenette are two girls who discover they were switched at birth. Stories, pictures, survey, and a message board.
  • Sisters - Welcome to the home of sisters, Marissa Claire on hiatus Milton and Nicole Claire McIntyre. Marissa is fourteen on hiatus and Nicole is sixteen. They only recently became on hiatus sisters so you\\'ll have to read their stories on hiatus to find out about their interesting past.
  • Sixteen - Meet the Clorenson\\'s and read the stories of young adult a young adult family of 16 girls. Personal pages, message young adult board, scrapbook, young adult and stories.
  • Stoplight - The stories of nine sisters and their parents as they on hiatus battle average life in New York City.
  • The Rings - A time travel tale of adventure and romance.

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