The Human Figure Painters Painting Visual Arts

The main theme in Toos van Holstein's paintings is the rendering of human shapes in open or covered spaces, which are part of vaguely indicated architectonic edifices.

    Top: Arts: Visual Arts: Painting: Painters: The Human Figure


  • Vistaunet, John - A realistic style with subtle but effective use v of cast painters shadows to enhance modeling of the v figure.
  • van Woggelum, Yvonne - Magical-realistic paintings by the Dutch artist. Images painters and curriculum vitae.
  • Viens, Julie - Paintings, illustrations, masks, and miniatures, influenced by fantasy.
  • Vandersluis, Marjolein - Dutch artist offers female portraits and figures, and v florals for v viewing.
  • Van Holstein, Toos - The main theme in Toos van Holstein\\'s paintings v is the painters rendering of human shapes in open v or covered spaces, which painters are part of vaguely v indicated architectonic edifices.
  • Georgette Van Boven paintings/schilderijen kunstenares - Realistic style figure renderings with an interesting graphic v influence in bold colors and perspective. Limited v english descriptions.
  • van Eijnatten, Wendy - Collection of expressionist nudes and portraits, done in oil.

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