Weblogs News and Media Writers Resources

An account of a writer's journey through cyberspace. It includes a weblog, an ezine, free public domain etexts, recipes, quotes and quality links to subjects of interest to writers.

    Top: Arts: Writers Resources: News and Media


See Also:
  • Becoming A Writer -- Seriously - Covers software reviews/ tutorials, marketing and promotion, agents, print-on-demand, e-books and other how-to topics.
  • Paranormality Universe - The ongoing journey toward publication for a paranormal news and media writers resources women\\'s fiction unpublished writer. Rants, insights, feedback, processes news and media writers resources and resources for writers.
  • The Swivet - Provides news and reviews from a literary agent.
  • Word Grrls - Freelance writer posting articles about writing. For women writers, bloggers, zine and website builders.
  • Writing News - Writing related news posts.
  • Cabbages and Kings - A diary by the authors of the Louis writers resources Kincaid series.
  • Refrigerator Door - Confessions of Super Mom and neurotic author stuff.
  • Muse Ink - Author and educator Ami Hendrickson\\'s daily weblog featuring topical advice and encouragement for writers and riders.
  • The Writing Life - Nienke Hinton writes about the successes and struggles writers resources of writers resources an aspiring novelist. Includes links and reviews writers resources of writing writers resources websites.
  • Words Don't Come Easily - About writing and books. Features reviews, quotes, and writers resources lists of outstanding writers. Writes. Designs. Reads everything writers resources that crosses her path, even shampoo labels.
  • Six-Figure Freelancer’s Blog - Paul Lima's weblog about freelance writing.
  • Gena Showalter's Weblog - Paranormal romance writer with visions of the Beefcake weblogs Fairy.
  • Writer Mama - Riffs on raising a writing career alongside with your kids.
  • BookNews - Preservation and persistence of the changing book. Discussing news and media news and media changes in publishing and writing.
  • Text Goes Here - Weblog with advice and tips about copywriting, writing for the web and online publishing.
  • The Aelf's Bloggery - This site is dedicated to new writers and addresses the trials and tribulations one goes through to get published. Tips and links to online writing schools and forums.
  • Writing and Writer's Weblog - Writer news and other topics of interest to news and media writers.
  • Faster Than Kudzu - Joshilyn Jackson, play and novel writer, blogs about weblogs her work writers resources and ideas.
  • The LitBlog Co-Op - Uniting the leading literary weblogs for the purpose weblogs of drawing attention to the best of contemporary weblogs fiction, authors and presses, struggling to be noticed weblogs in a flooded market place.
  • The Writer's Life Blog - Writing tips, author interviews, guest columnists, industry news. A promotional news and media and marketing blog for the serious author.
  • Bad Language - Matthew Stibbe\\'s weblog about writing in business. It weblogs contains useful advice, tips and comment about writing weblogs in PR, marketing, online and the agencies that weblogs create it.
  • The Y Logs - Reflexions, writing topics, short stories and book reviews from a news and media technical writer aspiring to more creative horizons.
  • Tenebris - Discusses publishing and self-publishing. Coverage of books, writers resources ebooks, weblogs technology and intellectual property issues on the writers resources web.[Archived].
  • Booksquare - News and views for authors.
  • Tennessee Text Wrestling - An East Tennessee gal\\'s thoughts on being a writers resources novelist, a reader, a pianist, an armchair science writers resources nerd, and a cat wrangler.
  • The Dabbling Mum - Self employed writing Mother.
  • Robert Gregory Browne - The adventures of a first time novelist in writers resources the world of publishing.
  • Ye Olde Inkwell - Romance writer, hockey fan, shoe fanatic and coffee weblogs lover.
  • The Happy Booker - Author discusses writing and the literary world.
  • No Respect: David Kilpatrick's Blog - Weblog with advice for independent writers on such writers resources subjects as marketing, writing, and staying sane in writers resources the publishing world.
  • Miss Snark: The Literary Agent - In which Miss Snark vents her wrath on the hapless news and media world of writers and crushes them to sand beneath her news and media T.Rexual heels of stiletto snark.
  • Boomer Chick: Musings of an Over the Hill Chick - An ordinary day in the life of a weblogs boomer babe. news and media Writing books and keeping an online weblogs writing community.
  • New Century Notebook - About writing journals, blogs, and living the writers writers resources life. All the ups and downs and lots writers resources of crazies.
  • Queens Write about Writing - From the women at the Queen Power site.
  • Confessions of An Author - Diary of a D list author, twice-published commercial weblogs women\\'s fiction writer, and her hapless dealings in weblogs the world of publishing.
  • Write Fem! - Mary\\'s weblog while waiting for the big book deal to weblogs kick in for her loopy murder mysteries.
  • My Year of Getting Published - Freelance writer living in New Zealand with the ultimate goal weblogs to drop the day job and become a travelling writer.
  • A Newbie's Guide to Publishing - Living proof that talent has very little to weblogs do with success.
  • Bleeding Ink - One writer's journey to publication and beyond.
  • M.C.Eye. - Check out this aspiring journalist\\'s clips/ reviews, radio news and media show and photos. She has also met and news and media interviewed celebrities.
  • Lighthouse Writing Tips Blog - Daily writing tips for both fiction and non-fiction.
  • Ink Thinker - Freelance writer-editor Kristen King is an inkthinker with a passion for the written word.
  • Writing White Papers - Learn about the latest trends in writing and writers resources marketing white papers.
  • This Stubborn World - Jacqui Lofthouse on creativity, literary gossip and rants. weblogs Musing from weblogs a Britlit novelist with work in weblogs progress.
  • Elemental Musings - Professional writer who pursues many things, including advanced writers resources studies weblogs in communication and philosophy. Savoring the writing writers resources life one weblogs word at a time.
  • Angela Booth's Writing Blog - For freelance writers, writing fiction, nonfiction and copywriting to have fun, and become a better writer.
  • Ask Allison - Post questions and find answers on all of your too-afraid-to-ask concerns, hesitancies and worries about breaking into the publishing field.
  • Maud Newton - Occasional literary links, amusements, politics, and rants. Publishing writers resources and weblogs writing industry news.
  • The New Publisher's Journal - New publisher, dealing with the realities of the news and media weblogs modern publishing industry, harboring numerous iconoclastic ideas, and news and media weblogs having an internet-sized repository of information at our news and media weblogs fingertips.
  • A Jolt of Reality - The journey as a pre-published writer, all the writers resources bumps, weblogs bruises, joys and frustrations along the way.
  • Hen Lit Writers - A weblog dedicated to the writers of the hen lit genre.
  • The Idea Boutique - Romance authors contribute to a weblog about creativity news and media news and media and where/ how they get their ideas.
  • Writer Unboxed - About the craft and business of genre fiction.
  • Freelancing Online - A weblog offering helpful tips and resources for writers resources beginning weblogs online writers and freelancers by an online writers resources writer.
  • The Golden Pencil - B5 Media weblog for freelance writers and general writers resources writing resources and articles.
  • Paul's Visual Arts, Literature & Philosophy Forum - The purpose of this weblog is to initiate dialogue between weblogs people with interesting ideas about the subjects of greatest consequence weblogs to me, namely: the arts and philosophy.
  • Wired Writer - A.M. Adams, writing towards a Pulitzer Prize or weblogs for food, weblogs since 1975.
  • Publish or Perish - A writer, artist, dreamer, photographer, cook, supergirl, wife, daughter, hero, writers resources gamer, cousin, friend, diva, rat packer, collector of lost things, writers resources reader, pianist, driver, actress, sleeper, slacker, secret keeper and all writers resources around general misanthrope.
  • Today I Write - A review of the psychology of delay and motivation, in weblogs an attempt to understand writer's block.
  • Teeny Books - A weblog for the illiterate.
  • A Conservatory of One - Offers writing resources, writing prompts,and news bits to aid writers news and media as they study and pursue in the writing craft.
  • More Than They'll Ever Know - The frantic life of a scribbling romantic mystery weblogs author and weblogs single Mom with 2 kids, 3 weblogs jobs, 4 dogs and weblogs only one life to weblogs fit it all into. Author of weblogs Sierra Lavotini weblogs mystery series.
  • Query Letters I Love - Actual query letters received in Hollywood.
  • Picture Book Illustrators - A group of professional children\\'s book authors and illustrators wax poetic about their industry, their projects, and their daydreams.
  • Fiction Writing - A weblog all about fiction writing. Includes personal writers resources writing writers resources reflections, tips, writing markets, resources, and links.
  • HookJab - Freelance writing, journalism, and all things well-scribbled.
  • Jim Idema - A weblog dedicated to his quest for fame writers resources and fortune as a writer.
  • The Real Writer - Chris Stewart\\'s site for those who love writing for its own sake, and are looking for professional, positive support.
  • The Write Place Web Log - Writing help and tools for business and personal writing.
  • J Alan Erwine's Blog - Colorado science fiction writer.
  • Strange Quill - The expressions and mutterings of a writer-in-training.
  • Wish Jar Journal - Illustrated blog of author/ illustrator Keri Smith.
  • Digressions from the Omniverse - Musings and outbursts from a husband, father, Marillion news and media freak, sci-fi nerd, comic book reader, film snob, news and media speculative writer who is pop culture obsessed and news and media a reality based critical skeptic.
  • No Rules. Just Write. - Inspirational romance author Brenda Coulter on writing, life, and the writers resources writing life.
  • Lisa Burks Online - Scribbling at the speed of dial up.
  • Linx Journeyer - An account of a writer\\'s journey through cyberspace. weblogs It includes weblogs a weblog, an ezine, free public weblogs domain etexts, recipes, quotes weblogs and quality links to weblogs subjects of interest to writers.
  • Mark Terry - This weblog is a day-to-day account of the weblogs writing life, writers resources focusing on thoughts on developing plots, weblogs the psychology of writing, writers resources the minutiae of a weblogs freelancer's schedule.
  • Authors' Blogs - Directory of authors\\' blogs in romance, fantasy, and news and media news and media other genres. Published and aspiring authors are allowed.
  • Fictional Perspectives - Articles on writing, reference, writer\\'s resources, news and weblogs items of interest from the publishing industry.
  • Paperback Writer - Writing professionally since 1998.
  • Inkmuse.com - Where form and function collude.
  • Ash Tree - Journal of a writer.
  • All Kinds of Writing - A weblog about the art of writing and weblogs the writing writers resources business. Freelancing and writing in order weblogs to get paid.
  • Michelle Richmond: San Serif - Writing exercises, publishing tips, booknotes, and smashingly good news and media writers resources advice for writers.
  • B.K. Birch: Writer's Blog - Published author and poet who is still working news and media weblogs to be recognized and ascend into the inner news and media weblogs circle of fellowship among literary peers while captivating news and media weblogs the reading public.
  • Screenwriting by Blog - David C. Daniel publishes the process as a way to writers resources push himself through it. From concept to completion.
  • 21st Century Publishing - Occasional posts about print on demand and small weblogs press publishing.
  • E-Media Tidbits - News and analysis from the world of online news and media journalism, media, and publishing.
  • WritingSpiritResources - For writers of all faiths.
  • BookWoman - A weblog about writing and publishing with Joni Rogers.
  • Babblin' on the Bayou - One fiction writer navigates through the muck of news and media publishing, parenting, and all that lies between.
  • Author Book Blog - Mya Bell is a published nonfiction writer now planning to news and media make the New York Times bestseller list for mainstream/ literary news and media fiction. This is a journal of her novel-writing milestones.
  • Ink in My Coffee - Writer's journal by Devon Ellington.
  • Martha O'Connor - Tales from the publishing front from a soon-to-be-published writers resources author. writers resources Some bitching, no whining, some wining.
  • Ghost Word - Ethereal thoughts on books and writing.
  • Old Hag - Regular book coverage, literary and linguistic commentary.
  • Inkygirl: A Weblog for Writers - Resources, information, job listings for freelance writers. Also includes a weblogs writing-related comic strip.
  • A Writer's Life - Lee Goldberg, television writer, blogs about his accomplishments and adventures.
  • WritingThoughts - Laura Spencer\'s thoughts and experiences as a freelance writer.
  • Wicked Wordsmith - An open forum weblog for writers on writing. weblogs Submissions welcome.
  • Evil Editor - Authors with books that they feel are ready news and media for publication prepare query letters which they would news and media like reviewed. Evil Editor\\'s comments are intended for news and media entertainment purposes only, although many readers insist on news and media finding them instructional as well.
XML Feeds:

  • Ilona's World - The weblog of writer and reviewer Ilona Hegedus. Ilona writes sci-fi, fantasy and horror, mainly poetry.[ATOM]

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