Publishing Writers Resources Arts
Sandy Ressler's thorough introduction to electronic publishing, fully navigable online. A valuable resource for a review of all the fundamentals of the field.
Top: Arts: Writers Resources: Publishing
See Also:
- Top/Business/Publishing and Printing/Publishing/Services/Free Content
- Top/Arts/Graphic Design/Resources
- Top/Business/Publishing and Printing/Publishing/Services/Design
- Write and Publish Your Book - Online magazine with articles dedicated to writing and publishing self-publishing books.
- IMN Inc. - Create and distribute interactive newsletters in the form writers resources of an email message and a Web page. writers resources Mainly business and professional newsletters.
- Zine World - For publishers, writers, artists: news about the free arts press publishers, writers resources small-press reviews, letters, and a listing arts of zines.
- Aaron Shepard's Publishing Page - Resources for self publishing and desktop book publishing. publishing How to publishing publish books with common software, online publishing marketing, and print on publishing demand.
- Jean Weber - Articles for editors working electronically.
- The Small Publishers Association of North America - To bring success to small publishers, self-publishers, and arts authors.
- - Guide to independent book publishing (also called self-publishing or alternative arts publishing) using new technologies to lower costs and reach readers arts more directly.
- Self-Publishing in the New Millennium - Information and comparisons of various Print on Demand arts (POD) publishers. publishing Also has articles about the different arts types of self-publishing including publishing the advantages and disadvantages.
- Electronically Published Internet Connection - Professional organization of published authors: membership and member information; events; arts and planned e-published books.
- Tribe: Self-publishers Unite - Community for self publishers.
- Publishing Central - Articles and links related to the publishing industry publishing and self publishing, including book, audio book, magazine, publishing newsletter and electronic publishing.
- The Small Press Comics FAQ Page - how to create and self-publish your own comics.
- The Newsletter Resource - Newsletter author, George R Franklyn, uses his 30+ years of publishing insider knowledge to identify the most useful newsletter resources on publishing the web today.
- Yahoo Groups: Zine Geeks - An email list for zinesters to talk about zines, small writers resources publishing and the free press in general.
- Small Press Exchange - A loose affiliation of writers, booksellers and small publishing press publishers.
- CoachEzinesBlog - Notes, quotes and tips for writing great ezines, blogs and publishing online copy. A weblog for coaches, consultants, speakers, authors and publishing publishers who want to hone their skills and improve their publishing communications.
- Publishing Explained - A guide to publishing that includes information on self-publishing, e-books, writers resources publishing companies and marketing.
- MJ Rose: The Future of Publishing - Article about online publishers.
- Go Publish - Information for writers considering self-publishing. Writing and self-publishing articles and arts resources.
- The Independent Publishing Resource Center - Facilitates creative expression and identity by providing individual publishing access to publishing the resources and tools for the publishing creation of independently published publishing media and art. Portland, publishing Oregon.
- An Incomplete Guide To Print On Demand - A comparison of the services and packages provided writers resources by arts a number of Print on Demand publishers. writers resources It also arts features information on what to look writers resources for and what arts to avoid.
- Newsletter Publishers Network - An open forum for newsletter publishers. If you writers resources publish arts a newsletter of any kind (profit or writers resources non-), feel arts free to post a tip, gripe, writers resources boast, or anything arts else you feel worthwhile to writers resources your peers.
- Publishing Your Book - Step by step guide to self-publishing, by Moira arts Allen.
- I Can't Get - Tips and resources for all types of writers arts who seek publishing publication.
- Small Publishers, Artists, and Writers Network - SPAWN provides information and contacts for everyone involved in publishing.
- The Art of Electronic Publishing - Sandy Ressler\\'s thorough introduction to electronic publishing, fully writers resources navigable arts online. A valuable resource for a writers resources review of arts all the fundamentals of the field.
- New Thinking - Gerry McGovern\\'s weekly email newsletter focuses on the arts role of written content on the Internet. arts Archive of past issues on site.
- - Articles, guides and FAQ for authors who are publishing self-publishing their arts books as well as a directory publishing and visitor submitted reviews arts of publishing companies and publishing author book listings.
- DIY Book Festival - For independent and self-published authors and houses. Includes arts entry information and a FAQ.
- Self Publishing - Morris Rosenthal\\'s 200+ article collection about self publishing, publishing published in arts weblog form.
- Internet Authors Network - Provides free services, tools, and tips to help arts authors promote their books on the Internet. arts Includes a banner button exchange and webrings. arts No fees, no credits to earn.
- Self Publishing - Resources including writing and marketing advice for self publishing authors. FAQ, articles, services and a quiz.
- WOLves - The news from members of the WOLves program, which teaches writers resources basic promotion to writers.
- Electronic Literature Organization - A nonprofit organization with a mission to promote and facilitate the writing, publishing and reading of literature designed for electronic media, ELO\'s site features industry news, events, chats and links.
- Merry Bruns : Web Editors Toolkit - Resources for web writers and editors. Links to arts sources on writing, accessiblility, credibility, information architecture, accessibility, arts usability, style guides and reference sites.
- FANZINE-L - A discussion list for people interested in fanzines. writers resources Small publishing presses, self publishing, writers and editors.
- A Guide to Self Publishing in the UK - A step by step guide to self publishing in the UK.
- Colorado Independent Publishers Association - CIPA provides education, support, networking and nurturing to writers resources independent publishing publishers and other related industry professionals.
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