Grammar Style Guides Writers Resources

A free monthly self-help writing guide for students of the English language who want to communicate more effectively. Guide covers grammar, punctuation, spelling, cliches, and jargon.

    Top: Arts: Writers Resources: Style Guides


See Also:
  • The Online Writing Project - Provides and organizes writing guides and grammar handouts style guides created by writing centers and English Departments at style guides American universities.
  • The Grammar Curmudgeon - Discusses grammatical rules, offers pointers for writers, presents essays on writers resources language and related topics, and contains three open discussion boards.
  • English Grammar The Easy Way - This site explains English, so that everyone can style guides understand.
  • Online Writing Resources - Interactive lessons in grammar, mechanics and punctuation using writers resources PowerPoint, style guides Word, and HTML.
  • Punctuation Made Simple - Discussion of several of the most useful punctuation grammar marks: the colon, semicolon, comma, dash, and apostrophe.
  • - Brought to you by Patricia T. O\\'Conner, author style guides of style guides "Woe Is I," and the writer Stewart style guides Kellerman.
  • The English Language - A site with thoughts on why using sound English is grammar important and on just what "sound English" is.
  • Reflexive Pronouns - Explanation of usage for reflexive pronouns: myself, himself, style guides herself, themselves, and ourselves. Includes practice sentences and style guides an answer key.
  • Grammar Hotline Directory - Find phone numbers, e-mail addresses, web sites which grammar you can writers resources contact for answers to short questions grammar about writing.
  • Tutoring English Grammar and Composition - Free online program of instruction in basic English grammar grammar and composition for the use of parents grammar and others and for those learning English as grammar a second language.
  • The Grammar Doctor - This site offers tips and advice on grammar and usage.
  • Grammar Source: Englishpedia - A curmudgeonly blog on grammar, with questions answered.
  • Grammar and Usage for the Non-Expert - Targeted, nontechnical articles on problems of grammar and grammar usage that even good writers sometimes have trouble grammar with.
  • Plain Words - A guide to the use of English by style guides Sir style guides Ernest Gowers.
  • A Dash of Comma Sense - Columnist gives examples why correct punctuation is important.
  • English Grammar Clinic - An on-line grammar clinic from England. Administered by the Lydbury Centre. Bulletin boards and chat.
  • ACE Copyediting - A free monthly self-help writing guide for students grammar of the English language who want to communicate grammar more effectively. Guide covers grammar, punctuation, spelling, grammar cliches, and jargon.
  • What's the Plural of `Virus'? - A thorough investigation.
  • English Chick: Grammar Lessons - Starts with remedial lessons and expands to other writers resources sites.
  • English 126 HyperTextBook - Modern English Grammar from the Daniel Kies and the College writers resources of DuPage.
  • Daily Grammar - Improve your writing with free daily e-mail grammar lessons.
  • Sentence Diagrams - Diagrams of moderately long and complex sentences are style guides accompanied by explanations for both beginners and experienced style guides diagrammers.
  • The Scarlet Pen - Downloadable style and usage guide containing 300 commonly grammar misused words grammar and amusing sample sentences. [Microsoft Word grammar format, 240kb in size]
  • Chicago Manual of Style FAQ - FAQ site designed to help CMS users eliminate ambiguities or grammar misunderstandings found in the book itself.
  • The Truth About Grammar - Two word lovers fighting the War on Error.
  • One Step Forward: Better Writing through Grammar - Blogged explanations of English grammar rules, from parts grammar of speech style guides and punctuation to putting them all grammar together.
  • Basic Cozy Grammar Course - A light hearted approach to learning basic English grammar. Featuring writers resources 27 lessons contained on two videos with companion workbook/study guide.
  • English Grammar Tutor - An online grammar book for student editors.
  • Apostrophe Protection Society - Illustrates the correct use of the apostrophe in grammar spelling the grammar plural and possessive. Gives examples of grammar misuse and the rules grammar and examples for correct grammar use.
  • The Grammar Guru - Web site of syndicated columnist and author of style guides The writers resources Grammatically Correct Handbook. Read columns, book style guides chapters, find writers resources out how to order the book.
  • How to Write Well: Using the Apostrophe - Tutorial on the use of apostrophes for omission writers resources and grammar possession.
  • Plain English Training - Online courses in plain English and grammar.
  • Glossary of English Grammar Terms - A fully cross-referenced dictionary of gramatical terms of English language style guides containing more than 250 English grammar entries.
  • Tomato Nation: Sincerely Your's - Essay about incorrect grammar usage, with examples of style guides common writers resources errors and advice as to how to style guides avoid them.
  • All You Need to Know About Commas - This site will give you information, definition, and writers resources rules writers resources about commas. Also has links to other writers resources sites for writers resources further information.
  • Webgrammar's Place - Tips, tutorials, and resources for writers, students, editors, writers resources educators, writers resources and web designers. Also, Webgrammar answers questions writers resources about American writers resources English grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and writers resources usage.
  • Grammar Now - Grammar and composition questions answered. Proofreading and editing grammar service are style guides also offered.
  • Clear English Grammar Resources - A wide collection of online grammar resources covering writers resources grammat topics from articles to verbs.
  • The Kings's English, 2nd ed. - Online publication of H.W. Fowler's "The King's English."
  • Commonly Misused Words - Explains the difference between similar words with different meanings.[PDF]
  • A Concise Guide to Writing, Language, and Grammar - Rules of capitalization and punctuation, as well as style guides commonly style guides mispronounced and misspelled words.
  • Your Guide to English Prepositions - Software program designed to help users find/know the right preposition in 5 seconds.
  • Grammar Bytes - Grammar explanations, handouts for teachers and students, and style guides interactive exercises.
  • Get It Write - Tip Archive - Offers a new tip about English grammar and style guides usage style guides every two weeks. Subscription service available to style guides have tips style guides sent via email.
  • Grammar Check - Offers opt-in subscribers a free, monthly ezine with a grammar grammar feature and questions and answers submitted by readers, along with grammar a review of a writing resource.
  • Fifty Years of Stupid Grammar Advice - An essay criticizing the grammar rules in, and grammar grammar of, Strunk and White’s The Elements of grammar Style.
  • Common Errors in English - An explanation of common English usage errors and how to avoid making them.
  • Grammar for Teachers - An introduction to grammar, and glossary of grammatical terms for style guides teachers of English, with downloadable study guides.
  • Serendipity: Common Errors - An examination of common errors that are becoming style guides generally writers resources accepted as correct. A mini-course in style guides English usage.
  • Grammar and Punctuation in American English - A site that contains information on grammar and punctuation, including parts of speech and parts of sentences.

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