Auction Facilities Livestock Agriculture and Forestry
One of the most modern livestock auction facilities in the midwest with a weekly sale every Thursday and special cow and bull sale every month. Located 55 miles south of Kansas City, Missouri.
Top: Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Livestock
Auction Facilities
See Also:
- Torrington Livestock Market, Inc. - Offering 2 sale barn facilities in Torrington, Wyoming, plus Satellite Video Auctions. Bonded Country Dealer Company. Home of auctioneers Lex Madden, 1998, and Shawn Madden, 2001.
- Marana Stockyards and Livestock Market - Marana, Arizona. Features company information, sale dates, and market information.
- Tulia Livestock Auction - Tulia, Texas. Includes market reports, map, upcoming sales, and news.
- Knoxville Livestock Center - Knoxville, Tennessee. Weekly market reports, sale dates, facilities, auction facilities and directions.
- Western Livestock Auction - Midland, Texas. Includes maps, market reports, and sale auction facilities dates.
- Valley Livestock Auction, Inc. - Albuquerque, New Mexico. Features sales schedule, market reports, and location.
- Coleman Livestock Auction Commission Co., Inc. - Coleman, Texas. Includes location, history, sale time and agriculture and forestry date, and market reports.
- Dunlap Livestock Auction - Dunlap, Iowa. Upcoming sales and market reports.
- Kramer Auction Sales Ltd. - Auction service serving Saskatchewan and Alberta. Includes elk, bison, farm, agriculture and forestry general and household sales.
- Meridian Livestock Commission Company - Meridian, Texas. Auction sales of sheep, goats, and livestock cattle. Includes agriculture and forestry contact information, sale dates, special sales, livestock and market report.
- LaCrosse Livestock Market - LaCrosse, Kansas. Features upcoming sales and market reports.
- Port City Stockyards - Auctions at Sealy and Brenham, Texas. Includes location, sale dates agriculture and forestry and times, market reports, special sales.
- Wichita Livestock Sales - Wichita Falls, Texas. Information on services to sellers, livestock sales schedule, auction facilities and market reports and commentary.
- 101 Livestock Market, Inc. - Aromas, California. Special sales, tour, and market reports.
- Fergus Falls Livestock Auction Market - Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Sale dates and market reports.
- Burlington Livestock Exchange - Burlington, Colorado. Cattle and horse sales. Monthly schedule livestock and company auction facilities information.
- Tama Livestock Auction - Tama, Iowa. Includes market reports, sale dates, and auction facilities photographs.
- Livestock Marketing Association Online Auctions - Real Ttme streaming video auctions with live bidding from auction facilities around the US.
- T.A.H. Livestock, Inc. - A northwestern Illinois dairy cattle and horse auction.
- Kalona Sales Barn - Kalona, Iowa. Swine, cattle, horse, sheep, and goat livestock sales. Includes auction facilities sale schedule, market report, and history.
- Tri-County Livestock Auction, Inc. - Motley, Minnesota. Swine, sheep, and cattle sales. Market reports and agriculture and forestry sale dates.
- W.L. Moseley Livestock Company - Blakely, Georgia. Features sale dates, market reports, and agriculture and forestry livestock services.
- Gillespie Livestock Company - Fredericksburg, Texas. Cattle, horse, sheep, and goat sales. Features upcoming auction facilities sales and market reports.
- South Central Livestock, Inc. - Stockyard livestock auction. Includes calendar of events and agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry contact information. Located in Fitzgerald, Georgia.
- Pearsall Livestock Auction - Pearsall, Texas. Features market reports, special sales, location, and news.
- Holton Livestock Exchange - Holton, Kansas. Sale reports and schedule.
- Western Video Market Auction - Serving ranchers in 13 Western states and buyers livestock from coast to coast. Includes information on video livestock type livestock auctions.
- Denison Livestock Auction - Denison, Iowa. Cattle, swine, and sheep sales. Features agriculture and forestry livestock location and sale dates.
- Centennial Livestock Auction - Fort Collins, Colorado. Cattle, horse, swine, sheep, and goat sales. Feature auction results, sale calendar, and directions.
- Clifton Livestock Commission Co. - Clifton, Texas. Features auction reports, sale dates, and location.
- Gonzales Livestock Market - Sale of livestock including cattle, sheep, goats, and horses for the Gonzales, Texas, and central Texas region.
- Auction Mart - Providing contact details for livestock markets and marts in the UK, Ireland and New Zealand. Advertising livestock: cattle, sheep, pigs, deer for sale or wanted for restocking.
- Miles City Livestock Commission Company - One of the oldest stockyards in Montana.
- Bagley Livestock Exchange - Bagley, Minnesota. Features market reports and sale dates.
- Navasota Llivestock Auction - Navasota, Texas. Special sales, market reports, crew, and agriculture and forestry livestock location.
- Lamoni Livestock Auction - Lamoni, Iowa. Features sale dates and market reports.
- Stampede Cattle Co. - Online cattle marketing company with over 60 qualified field representatives. Stampede sells "load lots" of feeder cattle and breeding stock throughout the United States.
- Hugh Fawcett Auctions Inc. - Live Holstein, dairy, embryo auctions, and consignment sales. Located livestock in Winchester, Ontario.
- Manhattan Commission Company - Manhattan, Kansas. Sales results, early consignments, and agriculture and forestry location.
- Mountain Livestock.Com - Offering nationwide online livestock consignment and auction services to individual livestock ranchers and sale barns.
- Arab Livestock Market, Inc. - Arab, Alabama. Features services, location, and sale dates.
- Live Oak Livestock Auction - Three Rivers, Texas. Features sale date and time, auction facilities location, services, facilities, and special sales.
- Aberdeen Livestock Sales Co. - A livestock auction market serving the Central Dakotas.
- Presho Livestock Auction - Presho, South Dakota. Market reports and sale dates.
- MoKan Livestock Market, Inc. - One of the most modern livestock auction facilities auction facilities in the midwest with a weekly sale every auction facilities Thursday and special cow and bull sale every auction facilities month. Located 55 miles south of Kansas City, auction facilities Missouri.
- Okeechobee Livestock Market - Okeechobee, Florida. Location and market reports.
- Riverton Livestock Auction - Riverton, Wyoming. Includes market report, upcoming sales, early auction facilities consignment program and contacts.
- Lolli Brothers Auction - Source for exotic and domestic livestock, award winning livestock taxidermy, auction facilities historical artifacts, and collectible sporting goods.
- Valley Stockyard, Inc. - Decatur, Alabama. Features services and directions.
- Zimmerman Auctions - Central Alberta Auction Company - Auction company in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada - Farm, auction facilities antique, livestock, household, and estate auctions.
- Producers Livestock Auction - San Angelo, Texas. Cattle, sheep, and goat sales. agriculture and forestry Features sale dates, directions, and facilities.
- West Auction, Inc. - West, Texas. Features sale dates, market reports, and special sales.
- Rons Barn, Inc. - Eastern Iowa horse and tack auction service conducting agriculture and forestry both public and private sales.
- New Cambria Livestock Auction Market - Market report and sales schedule online; located just agriculture and forestry auction facilities off Highway 36 in North Central Missouri.
- East Texas Livestock Auction - Crockett, Texas. Includes facilities, map, special sales, and livestock market report.
- Blue Grass Stockyards - Lexington, Kentucky. Cattle, swine, and sheep sales. Includes directions, upcoming sales, and staff.
- Rich Prairie Livestock Exchange - Pierz, Minnesota. Sale dates and market reports.
- Miller Livestock Auction. - Miller, South Dakota. Upcoming sales and market information.
- Sheldon Livestock Sales - Sheldon, Iowa. Sale results, location, and upcoming sales.
- Cullman Stockyard - Cullman, Alabama. Includes directions, special sales, history, and agriculture and forestry hours.
- El Dorado Livestock Auction - El Dorado, Kansas. Include facilities, sale dates, and auction facilities market reports.
- Milan Livestock Auction, Inc. - Livestock auction serving north central Missouri, regular sale auction facilities every Thursday, special cattle sales on Monday, special auction facilities cow sales once a month on Saturday.
- Visalia Livestock Market - Visalia, California. Features directions, market reports, and sale livestock calendar.
- Dos Palos Y Auction Yard - Dos Palos, California. Includes location, special sales, and auction facilities regular sale dates.
- Willcox Livestock Auction - Willcox, Arizona. Includes market reports, special sales, and company information.
- Dothan Livestock Company - Dothan, Alabama. Market reports, company information, and sale auction facilities dates.
- Sterling Livestock Commission Company - Sterling, Colorado. Sale dates and market reports.
- Sulphur Springs Livestock and Dairy Auction - Sulphur Springs, Texas. Features newsletter, market reports, and livestock facilities.
- Belle Fourche Livestock - Offering weekly cattle sales and monthly horse sales. Western South auction facilities Dakota.
- Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart - Based in Cumbria, England, cattle and quota auctioneers livestock C and auction facilities D were founded in 1926 and livestock Longtown Mart is the auction facilities largest livestock market in livestock the UK for sales of sheep.
- Hamilton Commission Company - Hamilton, Texas. Sheep, goat, and cattle sales. Includes auction facilities sale dates, company information, market reports, and special auction facilities sales.
- Don Savage Auctions - A professional, Canadian livestock auctioneer will take care livestock of your livestock purebred cattle sales, cattle auctions, livestock livestock sales and herd dispersals.
- Fort Payne Stockyard Inc. - Fort Payne, Alabama. Includes photos, cattle auctions, market auction facilities report, livestock links, and contacts.
- Northeast Kingdom Sales, Inc - Private sales of dairy cattle. Auction service for auction facilities dairy cattle and farm equipment.
- Escalon Livestock Market - Escalon, California. Lists upcoming sales of pigs, cattle, and other livestock, as well as weekly livestock report.
- St. Onge Livestock Company - Offering weekly cattle sales in St.Onge and weekly sheep sales in Newell, South Dakota.
- Hexham Mart - Up to date information relating to Hexham and agriculture and forestry auction facilities Northern Auction Marts. Livestock and Furniture auctioneers based agriculture and forestry auction facilities North of England.
- Canadian Satellite Livestock Auction - Offering livestock producers the advantage of North American livestock buy access combined with the local participating market.
- Deming Livestock, Inc. - Deming, New Mexico. Includes sale schedule and market reports.
- Clovis Livestock - Clovis, New Mexico marketing agency and auction for agriculture and forestry auction facilities cattle and horses. Includes consignment forms, sale dates, agriculture and forestry auction facilities and company information.
- Raz Livestock Sales - Auction selling domestic and exotic animals. (Harper, TX)
- Twin Falls Livestock Commission Company - Twin Falls, Idaho. Market reports and sale dates.
- Tri-County Livestock Market, Inc. - New Summerfield, Texas. Cattle and horse auction sale livestock barn. Includes livestock directions, sale dates, special sales, market livestock report, company information, and livestock consigned cattle.
- Ste Rose Auction Mart - Cattle sales every Thursday. Special Monday cattle sales livestock in the auction facilities fall. Located in Ste. Rose du livestock Lac, Manitoba. Includes schedule, auction facilities sales, staff, and history.
- Buffalo Livestock Auction - Buffalo, Wyoming. Includes upcoming sales and location.
- Creston Livestock Auction - Creston, Iowa. Includes market reports, upcoming sales, and agriculture and forestry auction facilities location.
- Frank McInenly Auctions Ltd. - Specializing in agricultural, machinery, real estate, horses, antiques and Canadiana. livestock Located in Vulcan, Alberta, Canada.
- Bloomfield Livestock Market - Bloomfield, Iowa. Features market reports and sale dates.
- Pratt Livestock, Inc. - Pratt, Kansas. Early consignments, driving directions, and sale agriculture and forestry agriculture and forestry reports.
- Sumter County Farmers' Market - Webster, Florida. Features sale schedule, services, location, and auction facilities market livestock reports.
- Nilsson Bros Inc - Located in Clyde, Alberta, Canada, is the largest livestock cattle auction agriculture and forestry market in Canada.
- Calhoun Stockyard - Calhoun, Georgia. Cattle, sheep, goats, and horses for livestock sale. Sale auction facilities dates, driving directions, and services.
- Teater Saddlebred Enterprises, Inc. - Saddlebred sales company conducting auctions for American saddlebreds, livestock Hackney ponies and standardbred road horses.
- Cuero Livestock Commission, Inc. - Cuero, Texas. Includes facilities, market reports, and news.
- Winter Livestock Cattle Auctions - Locations in Enid, Oklahoma, Dodge City, Kansas, and auction facilities LaJunta, agriculture and forestry Colorado. Also offer online and video auctions.
- Manchester Livestock Auction - Manchester, Iowa. Sale calendar and market reports.
- Edgewood Livestock Commission - Edgewood, Iowa. Swine and cattle sales. Auction schedule, agriculture and forestry livestock special sales, and market reports.
- Ontario Stockyards Inc. - Summary of week's market activity.
- Four County Livestock Auction Center - Industry, Texas. Features calendar, market reports, and special sales.
- R.Y. Livestock Sales Inc. - Rio Grande City, Texas. Features auction date and auction facilities time, livestock location, services, facilities, and market reports.
- Roswell Livestock Auction - Roswell, New Mexico. Includes market report and receiving auction facilities stations.
- Olds Auction Mart - Olds, Alberta. Live ring sales every Tuesday and Friday. In-house video cattle sales. Canadian satellite livestock auctions.
- Superior Livestock Auction - Video satellite and internet auctions. Livestock marketing company.
- Dublin Livestock - Sale every Friday at noon. Features location, contact agriculture and forestry livestock information, photographs, and facilities.
- Fort Scott Livestock Market - Fort Scott, Kansas. Weekly market reports and sale calendar.
- Emmett Valley and Shoshone Livestock and Cattle Auctions - Auctioneers of cattle, beef, and dairy sales in southwest Idaho and providers of livestock market reports.
- Turner County Stockyard - Ashburn, Georgia. Features sales schedule, history, market reports, auction facilities and services.
- Hawes Auction Mart - Serving a large area of the Yorkshire Dales and the surrounding moorland, drawing store and breeding sheep, cattle and dairy cows. Situated on the edge of Hawes in Wensleydale, UK.
- Decatur Livestock Market - Decatur, Texas. Features location, market reports, and sale auction facilities time and date.
- Jordan Cattle Auction - Headquarters in San Saba, Texas, with auctions in agriculture and forestry livestock Brownwood and Mason also. Includes contact information, sale agriculture and forestry livestock dates, current livestock market reports, upcoming special cattle agriculture and forestry livestock sales, and employment.
- Fort Pierre Livestock - Includes calendar of sales and information. Billed as livestock South Dakota\'s largest livestock auction.
- Tri-State Livestock Auction - Sioux Center, Iowa. Sales of cattle, swine, sheep, livestock and goats. livestock Features sales schedule and market reports.
- Southeast Mississippi Livestock - Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Features market reports and sale calendar.
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