Breeds Swine Livestock Agriculture and Forestry
Describes this breed and its origins and explains why its qualities have made it one of the major pig breeds in the world.
Top: Business: Agriculture and Forestry: Livestock: Swine
- The Canadian Lacombe - Provides information on the history of the breed, breeds developed in swine Canada in the 1940s and 1950s, breeds with backfat and age swine charts.
- Rare Breed Mangalitza Pigs - Cromar Sheep and Pigs Scotland provides information on livestock this curly livestock coated breed and their herd. Stock livestock sometimes for sale.
- Large Black - The history and development of this rare breed breeds and its livestock characteristics.
- Fengjing Swine - Describes this prolific breed that originates from China swine and its livestock introduction into the US.
- Large Black-white - Photograph and information on this prolific breed from breeds China.
- KuneKuneKune - Provides details of the Kunekune breed and its breeds history, advice swine on care, useful roles for the breeds pigs and photographs.
- Large White - Gives the origin and history of this breed swine in Australia, livestock its characteristics, uses and performance, and swine how modern breeders have livestock made genetic improvements to swine the breed.[PDF]
- Gloucestershire Old Spots - Describes this traditional British breed, its origins and livestock qualities.
- Berkshire - The history and development of this breed, its livestock characteristics and commercial use.
- Mora Romagnola - Photograph and information on the origin and uses swine of these livestock pigs, and on an attempt in swine Italy to revive the livestock breed.
- Hampshire - The National Swine Registry offers a history of breeds the breed breeds and information on the breed markings breeds and registration requirements.
- History of the Kune Pigs - Provides an account of how this breed from livestock New Zealand breeds was saved when on the verge livestock of extinction.
- Hereford Swine - Describes the history and development of this breed, livestock its color and conformation.
- Chester White - The history and development of this breed that originated in Pennsylvania.
- The Canadian Hampshire - Provides information on the Canadian Hampshire Swine Club livestock and the breed, with backfat and age charts.
- Arapawa Island Swine - Provides information on this rare breed of feral livestock pigs from the Arapawa Island, New Zealand.
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