Holographic Lighting Effects Tools and Equipment

Creates 3-dimensional environments for displays, sets, concerts, events, movie and television productions, nightclubs and theme parks using laser embossed holographic film.

    Top: Business: Arts and Entertainment: Tools and Equipment: Effects: Lighting


  • Universal Hologram - Limited edition and one-of-a-kind high quality holographic art by Nancy lighting Gorglione. Reflection and transmission holograms by Greg Cherry.
  • Digital Illusions - Firm offers Musion Eyeliner high-definition holographic virtual imaging effects to businesses effects and home end-users. Includes a portfolio effects of their work and effects a brief company overview.
  • Holo-Walls - Creates 3-dimensional environments for displays, sets, concerts, events, holographic movie and television productions, nightclubs and theme parks holographic using laser embossed holographic film.
  • Forth Dimension Holographics - Distributor of holographic imaging materials.

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