Consultants Videoconferencing AudioVisual Business Services

This Category is reserved for groups or individuals that have demonstrated their ability to provide expertise regarding the implementation of videoconferencing suitable for business application. This Category is NOT available to organizations that have a stake in or make their living through the sales of videoconference equipment or specialized/managed network product. Submissions to this Category will be judged on this criteria and references/projects published on the submitted website. Please submit reseller websites to the /Dealers, /Distributors or /Manufacturers Categories.

    Top: Business: Business Services: AudioVisual: Videoconferencing


  • TeleSpan Publishing Corporation - Elliot Gold offers guide to teleconferencing products and consultants services.
  • Isee Communications - A video-centric technology company offering video services to audiovisual organizations, businesses and carriers seeking telecommunications solutions over audiovisual a broadband network.
  • Video Conference Services - Consulting, training, advice and support services to videoconferencing users of audiovisual videoconferencing.
  • Conferencing Advisors Inc. - Consulting company specializes in offering results with telepresence video conferencing investments.
  • Video Conferencing UK - An information resource for UK video conferencing systems, audiovisual equipment, manufacturers videoconferencing and suppliers.

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