Associations Food and Related Products Business
An organization of chefs throughout Europe and European chefs working around the world. Provides contact information, organization history and activity information.
Top: Business: Food and Related Products
See Also:
- Top/Business/Associations
- Top/Business/Agriculture and Forestry/Associations
- Top/Recreation/Food/Associations
- California League of Food Processors - Representing fruit and vegetable processors from the Golden associations State since 1905. Includes processing tomato and associations peach statistics, legislative updates, and upcoming meetings and associations events.
- Associated New York State Food Processors - Represents fruit and vegetable processors from New York, on environmental issues and food safety concerns.
- USA Dry Pea and Lentil Council - Representing growers, processors, and exporters of peas, chickpeas (garbanzos) and lentils. Includes recipes, markets, health information, farm and export news.
- Ohio Grocers Association - A reference for Ohio grocers and grocers around business the country. food and related products Award winning Food Safety Program and business Workplace Violence Program.
- Canola Council of Canada - Organization supporting the canola oil industry.
- Manufacturers' Agents for the Food Service Industry - Not-for-profit association for independent manufacturers\\' representative agencies and business the manufacturers business they represent in the foodservice equipment, business supplies and furniture industry.
- Gelatine Manufacturers of Europe. - Provides applications, health benefits, and recipes for gelatine. food and related associations products Information for members, industry legislation and regulations, and food and associations related products press releases.
- Tortilla Industry Association - Consumer information, directory of members with online sales, industry, seminar, and association membership information.
- Food and Drink Innovation Network - Industry group looking at innovation in the marketplace though regular associations conferences in the UK.
- The Federation of European Food Additives and Food Enzymes Industries - Information for food producers about the function of associations additives, with associations list of those approved in the associations European Union. Shows member associations associations, with email contacts.
- Food Consultants Group - Independent alliance of food industry experts. Support for industry areas business including marketing, logistics, new technologies, finances, and legal issues.
- Green Restaurant Association - A US non-profit organization that provides services in business research, consulting, associations education, marketing and community organizing. Lists business environmental guidelines and offers associations a directory of business green restaurants and products.
- Midwest Food Processors Association, Inc. - Results-oriented trade association, furnishing its member companies with information on food and related products government regulations, technical affairs and industry matters.
- World Food Logistics Organization - Activities include supporting research and development in the associations application of improving the application of refrigeration technology associations for the preservation and distribution of food and associations other commodities, and related training and research services.
- The National Association for the Specialty Food Trade - Not-for-profit business trade association established to foster trade, commerce, and associations interest in the specialty food industry. Includes information on Fancy associations Food Shows.
- Confectionery Manufacturers Association of Canada - Representing confectionery chocolate, candy and chewing gum manufacturers, associations affiliates and associations suppliers, the CMAC supports confectionery growth associations by advancing and communicating associations the interests of the associations industry, its members and its consumers.
- Manitoba Canola Growers Association - A member organization committed to maximizing net income business from canola associations in the Canadian province.
- Food Products Association - Principal scientific trade association representing the U.S. food processing business industry.
- The Seasoning and Spice Association - UK group represents manufacturers of herbs, spices, and food and related food and related products products seasonings, primarily for lobbying and marketing.
- Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America - Not for profit, educational Islamic organization dedicated to associations promoting Halal food and related products food and nutrition.
- International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements - An umbrella organisation for the national organic certification bodies. Setting out minimum standards for organic production. Provides accreditation schemes for national organisations.
- AAIPA - Italian Association of Food Product Industries - A trade organization working on behalf of Italian associations food producers.
- American Wholesale Marketers Association - A trade organization working on behalf of U.S. food and related food and related products products convenience distributors.
- Food Institute - Portal for the food industry, includes industry, health associations and government and international news and related resources.
- Food Shippers of America - Association of United States food shippers. Includes FAQ, food and related products services, and member directory.
- Northern Canola Growers Association - Works to promote the production, marketing, processing, research, associations and use business of canola.
- Grain Elevator and Processing Society - GEAPS - An international professional society dedicated to providing its business members with food and related products forums to generate leadership, innovation and business excellence in grain-related industry food and related products operations. News, publications and business events.
- PEI Seafood Processors Association - Non-profit organization dedicated to the advocacy, training and food and related business products marketing of seafood products processed on Prince Edward food and business related products Island.
- The World Association of Cooks Societies - News, information, event highlights, recipes and reviews from food and related associations products Cooks' Organizations around the world.
- Women's Food and Farming Union - Promotes the exchange of ideas between the producer, food and related products the food industry and the consumer, to understand food and related products and address the concerns of consumers.
- Warana - Co-operative of dairy, paper, distillery, and sugar industry business members in business India. Includes history, achievements, facilities and business a Board of Directors business list.
- National Independent Concessionaires Association, Inc. (NICA) - Striving toward the betterment of communication between fairs, business festivals and business independent concessionaires across the USA.
- Chef's Collaborative - Promoting sustainable cuisine by teaching children, supporting local food and related products farmers, educating one another, and inspiring the public food and related products to choose good, clean food.
- International Society of Beverage Technologists - The ISBT (formerly SSDT) was founded in Washington, business D.C. in associations 1953 and now consists of over business 1,000 members world wide. associations It is unique in business being the only organization whose sole associations interest is business the technical and scientific aspects of soft drinks associations business and beverages.
- Association for Dressings and Sauces - An international trade association of salad dressing, marinade, food and related products mayonnaise, mustard and other condiment sauce manufacturers and food and related products their suppliers.
- Food Marketing Institute - Organization serving the needs of food distribution and food and related products related business, including grocery wholesalers and retail supermarkets. food and related products Includes industry and consumer resources and industry publications.
- Grocery Manufacturers Association - The association promotes and represents the world’s food, business beverage and associations consumer products companies. Information on industry business affairs, news, events, publications associations and membership.
- Hawaii Food Manufacturers Association - Promotes Hawaiian grown or manufactured foods. Member directory business categorized by business type of food or services. Lists business membership benefits and requirements, business with application form.
- The British Food Trust - Aims to stimulate the awareness and involvement of associations the general business public in British food and cooking, associations and to foster the business production, supply and consumption associations of good food.
- Food Processing and Machinery Supply Association - Industry links, registration for the IEFP and links associations to food business industry suppliers.
- International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses - Advances and enhances the safe storage of large business quantities of business food products, facilitating efficient distribution of business food between manufacturers and business retailers and to promote business better understanding by the public.
- The American Cheese Society - Comprised of cheesemakers and enthusiasts, with information on associations their annual associations conference, and a searchable directory of associations member companies in USA.
- American Palm Oil Council - Trade organization representing palm oil producers. Product information and health business benefits.
- American Society of Baking - Promoting the advancement of baking science technology through the exchange of information and interaction among baking industry professionals.
- North American Association of Food Equipment - A resource for food service equipment, food service supplies, food associations service operations and management information.
- Ontario Canola Growers Association - Provides research, alerts, and news regarding the canola business industry within associations the Canadian province.
- - Soybean and oilseed resource and information for the business food and food and related products feed industries. Research, consulting, publications and business advertising.
- National Barbecue Association - Directory of supplier, manufacturer, consultant, conference and trade associations shows.
- National Watermelon Association - Association of growers, processors and distributors of watermelon.
- TransFair USA - Non-profit monitoring organization which certifies that participating traders business are following fair trade guidelines. Products include coffee, business tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, vanilla and fresh fruit.
- Massachusetts Specialty Foods Association - Non-profit organization providing education, networking, peer support, marketing, food and related products publicity, and technical assistance for members. The MSFA food and related products is a non-profit organization.
- Illinois Food Retailers Association - Focused on independent retail food stores and their food and related products suppliers. Includes a buyers guide, news, events calendar, food and related products membership application, and contact details.
- European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group - Consortium of equipment manufacturers, food industries, research institutes, food and related business products and public health authorities promoting hygiene during processing food and business related products and packing of food products.
- International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association - Serving the supermarket industry and manufacturers of dairy, deli, bakery, cheese, specialty foods, equipment, and packaging.
- Professional Chef's Association - A national organization of chefs and those associated with the associations foodservice industry. The site is divided into public and members associations only sections, providing news of association events, forums and certification associations services.
- Canadian Canola Growers Association - Works to influence national issues and policies and enhance markets food and related products for the benefit of Canadian canola growers.
- Popcorn Board - A non-profit organization funded by U.S. popcorn processors. associations The Board business strives to raise the awareness of associations U.S. popcorn as a business snack through domestic associations and international marketing efforts.
- Northwest Food Processors Association - Trade association which promotes the food processing industry business in Idaho, business Oregon, and Washingtion.
- Euro-toques - An organization of chefs throughout Europe and European business chefs working around the world. Provides contact information, business organization history and activity information.
- American White Wheat Processors Association - Getting white wheat ingredients of specific performance attributes to consumers associations and manufacturers is the prime goal of the American White associations Wheat Producers Association.
- Tennessee Specialty Foods Association Inc. - A site for the members of the Tennessee food and related associations products Specialty Foods Association. Get member information and food and associations related products links to all the member sites.
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