Associations Dairy Food and Related Products
Staff papers, computer templates and access to dairy farm financial benchmarks from the University of Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitability.
Top: Business: Food and Related Products: Dairy
See Also:
- Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association - Sponsors national cheese and butter products competition annually.
- Southeast Dairy Association - Southeastern United States Dairy trade group.
- American Butter Institute - Representing the marketing and regulatory interests of butter manufacturers. Website food and related products offers contact information, recipes, archived marketing newsletters and event information.
- California Cheese and Butter Association - Organization promoting the manufacture, distribution and consumption of dairy cheese and butter products in the state of dairy California.
- University of Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitability - Staff papers, computer templates and access to dairy farm financial dairy benchmarks from the University of Wisconsin Center for Dairy Profitability.
- California Milk Advisory Board - Association promoting and supporting California dairy products. Industry information, dairy links, cheese plant tour, and contact details.
- National Milk Producers Federation - Farm commodity organization representing most of the dairy marketing cooperatives associations serving the US. Includes market data and analysis, membership, reports associations and publications, government and industry issues, and contact information.
- International Dairy Foods Association - Global industry lobbying collective. About the association, member dairy directory, news dairy and facts, regulation, legislation and marketing dairy of dairy foods, products, dairy and publications.
- Milk Development Council - UK - Funds research and development, provides dairy market information, food and related dairy products and promotes milk and dairy products in the food and dairy related products UK.
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