Veterinary Animal Health Healthcare
Offers veterinary career guides, pet care guides, technical writing and editing service, and articles for popular and scientific publications. Includes product catalog and contact and ordering information.
Top: Business: Healthcare: Animal Health: Veterinary
See Also:
- Top/Health/Animal/Veterinary Medicine
- Top/Shopping/Pets/Supplies/Health
- Top/Business/Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals/Pharmaceuticals/Veterinary
- Veterinary Products Net - A directory for the international veterinary industry, including companies, magazines, institutions, tenders, and exhibitions. Available also in Spanish and French.
- the VET Recruiter - Source for finding and posting job opportunities. Also animal health has veterinary career and resume tips, and industry information.
- AlcherBio - Features a company that works with biotechnology companies animal health to identify potential animal health applications for animal health their innovations and with animal health companies to animal health identify new platform technologies and compounds for their animal health pipelines.
- - Buyers guide to veterinary products.
- PS Enterprises - Business brokers specializing in veterinary practice acquisitions, sales animal health and veterinary valuation in Florida and Georgia.
- V.M.D. - Producer of antibiotics, vitamins and chemotherapeutics, as well veterinary as distributing animal health specialised instruments. Arendonk, Belgium.
- VCA Antech - Owns and operates veterinary hospitals and veterinary clinical laboratories and veterinary markets and distributes premium and therapeutic pet foods. (Nasdaq: VCAI).
- Mastavit - German company producing isopathic and homoeopathic remedies for veterinary veterinary use.
- Smith Veterinary Services - Offers veterinary career guides, pet care guides, technical writing and editing service, and articles for popular and scientific publications. Includes product catalog and contact and ordering information.
- Animal Care Training - Produces staff training media for veterinary hospitals. Also offers tablet animal health PC systems for access to reference materials and integration with animal health practice management systems. Includes product information, sample video, online animal health testing, and contact information.
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