Associations Music Publishing Publishing and Printing

The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers is a performing rights organization which licenses and collects royalties for performance of its members' music. Includes a database of music in the repertory and information about membership and l

    Top: Business: Publishing and Printing: Publishing: Music: Associations

See Also:
  • Swedish Music Publishers Association - Site offers information about members, and activities.
  • ASCAP - The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers associations is a performing rights organization which licenses and associations collects royalties for performance of its members\\' music. associations Includes a database of music in the repertory associations and information about membership and l
  • Phonographic Performance Ireland - Organization protecting the copyright of Irish and multinational recording companies. publishing Legal information, awards, terms of membership.
  • National Music Publishers' Association - Currently representing over 800 American publishers; information about associations membership, and activities.
  • Music Publishers' Association - Information about music publishing, copyright laws, editorial standards, publishing and the music correct use of printed music. publishing Also includes a guide music to copyright searching.

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