Consulting Telecommunications Business
Authorized agent for most major telecom and data services providers. Assist companies in the acquisition of voice, data and Internet services.
Top: Business: Telecommunications: Consulting
- Meier and Loftus - Network design firm, providing technical counsel, RFP development, m and project m management.
- Mike Prada - Provide business solutions and quality services in voice, consulting data, equipment, m ADSL, mobile phones, cost management, central consulting billing, value added enhanced m services.
- Managed Solutions - Authorized agent for most major telecom and data services providers. telecommunications Assist companies in the acquisition of voice, data and telecommunications Internet services.
- Magnitude 9 Inc. - Contractors and consultants for Siemens/ROLM, AVT,Octel and other m manufacturers.
- MJ Scheele and Associates - International Telecommunications Consultants based in San Francisco, CA. m Experts consulting in all market research and data m with telecommunications.
- Management Network Group, Inc. (The) - Provides management consulting services to the global telecommunications consulting industry, including communications service providers, technology companies and consulting financial services firms. (Nasdaq: TMNG).
- Michael Boyle & Associates - Independent telecom management consultants providing services to consulting the business m community developing strategy, operational process, change consulting management, and inventory management.
- Mountain Ltd. - Provide engineering consultation, project management, engineering solutions, contract m staffing and consulting permanent placement to the telecommunications industry.
- Mapcomm - Services the broadband communications industry. Build and test telecommunications communications networks telecommunications to be enabled for digital tv telecommunications and high speed data telecommunications communications.
- Mark H. Goldberg and Associates Inc. - Helping companies profit from competitive telecommunications.
- Moriana Group - Independent research, analysis and consultancy group. Expertise in telecommunications IT and Telecom convergence using OSA/Parlay technology for telecommunications rapid service creation in legacy systems, 3G(UMTS)and next telecommunications generation IP networks.
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