Articles and Studies Resources Dyestuffs and Chemicals Textiles and Nonwovens

A report on current research, development and application activities with biodegradable polymers and plastics in Japan. Author: Robert W. Lenz.

    Top: Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Dyestuffs and Chemicals: Resources

Articles and Studies

  • Woad is Me - Short history of the applications of natural blue articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals dyes from the woad plant (isatis tinctoria), and articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals indigo (indigofera tinctoria). From the Economic Botany Menu articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals of Prof.: Arthur C. Gibson.
  • Improving the Thermal Stability of Textile Processing Aids - Report of a National Textile Center (NTC) research dyestuffs and chemicals dyestuffs and chemicals project aimed at reaching a better understanding of dyestuffs and chemicals dyestuffs and chemicals the mechanisms of thermal decomposition of chemical aids dyestuffs and chemicals dyestuffs and chemicals in textile wet processing, to further the development dyestuffs and chemicals dyestuffs and chemicals of thermally stable textile processing ai[PDF]
  • New Life in an Old Dye - Short article about the renewed interest in natural indigo dyes for textile applications. Published in the New Agriculturist On-Line.
  • Plastic Enpsychlopedia - Extensive information about the history, development, chemical structures, products and applications of natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic polymers.
  • Eco-Efficiency Analysis of Textile Coating Materials - Technical paper, analysing the ecological effectiveness of polyacrylate and polyurethane textile coating and laminating agents in organic solution and aqueous dispersion forms. Authors: S.M. Bidoki and others.[PDF]
  • Chemistry Goes Green - Collection of scientific articles about current developments, chemical articles and studies structures, properties and applications of biodegradable polymeric materials articles and studies used in the plastics, man-made fiber, medical, pharmaceutical articles and studies and other industries.[PDF]
  • Biological Treatment of a Synthetic Dye Water and an Industrial Textile Wastewater Containing Azo Dye Compounds - Master of Science thesis presenting research determining the articles and studies resources ability of anaerobic and aerobic biological sludges to articles and studies resources reduce and stabilize azo dye compounds. Author: Trevor articles and studies resources Haig Wallace.[PDF]
  • Investigation of Metal-Organic Polymers and Nanofibers - Report on an investigation of metal-organic polymers, and articles and studies resources their potential as a source for manufacture of articles and studies resources nanofibers for liquid and air filtration media. Author: articles and studies resources Prof. Jack Y. Lu.[PDF]
  • History of Enzymes - Article about the history of industrial enzymes, from resources the late dyestuffs and chemicals 1900\'s to the present times. From resources Maps, Ltd.
  • Introduction to Polymers - An introduction to polymer science. Chemistry basics. Polymer articles and studies resources synthesis, structure and morphology, thermal properties and applications. articles and studies resources From the Case Western Reserve University.
  • Precursors for Rigid Rod Polyimids - Report on the development of a modification process resources for polyimide for the spinning of high-performance fibers. resources Authors: H.-W. Schmidt and others.[PDF]
  • Effect of Moisture and Ageing on Adhesive Strength - Course paper providing an introduction to adhesives, their properties and articles and studies applications, and describing investigations into the longevity of adhesive bonds articles and studies under extreme conditions. Authors: Ron Amaral, Maria P. Gutiérrez and articles and studies James Situ.[PDF]
  • Dyeing in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide - Term paper of Nitiz Sood, describing the use resources of carbon dioxide as supercritical fluid to dissolve resources dyes, and serve as reaction medium to reduce resources contaminant levels in dyehouse wastewater.
  • Triarylphosphine Oxide Containing Nylon 6.6 Copolymers - Report on a laboratory experiment with triarylphosphine oxide resources comonomer, incorporated as a fire retardant into polyamide resources 6.6 for fiber extrusion. Chemical structures and tables. resources Authors: J-Yuan Wan, J.E. McGrath and Takashi Kashiwagi.[PDF]
  • Shape-Memory Polymers - Extensive technical paper reviewing the development of a resources new class resources of shape-memory polymers as a cheap resources and efficient alternative to resources shape-memory alloys. Authors: Andreas resources Lendlein and Steffen Kelch.[PDF]
  • Chemical Construction of Degradable Plastics - Fact sheet from the Penn State College of resources Agricultural Sciences, focusing on developments and applications of resources biodegradable plastics and polymeric materials derived from cornstarch resources and dairy products. Authors: James W. Garthe and resources Paula D. Kowal.[PDF]
  • Biodegradable Polymers and Plastics in Japan - A report on current research, development and application activities with biodegradable polymers and plastics in Japan. Author: Robert W. Lenz.[PDF]
  • Shape Memory Polymers - Technical paper reviewing fundamental aspects of molecular design resources of suitable polymer architectures, tailored programming and recovery resources processes, and the quantification of the shape memory resources effect of a new class of active polymers resources under a variety of differ[PDF]
  • History of Adhesives - Paper published in 1991 by the BSA Educational articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals Services Committee, providing a history of adhesives from articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals 4000 BC to the present, and describing the articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals types and properties of natural and synthetic adhesives articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals in use today.[PDF]
  • Biodegradable Polymers and Biocomposites - Collection of presentations, articles and article abstracts about articles and studies articles and studies scientific researches on biodegradable polymers, bioplastics and biomaterials, articles and studies articles and studies the development of compostable packaging based on starch, articles and studies articles and studies and biocomposites created from ligno-cellulose fiber
  • Effect Additives for Polypropylene Fibers - Technical paper, presenting an overview of the latest resources developments in articles and studies functionalizing polypropylene fibers through the use resources of appropriate effect additives. articles and studies From Ciba Specialty Chemicals. resources Authors: J.R. Pauquet and N. Berthelon.[PDF]
  • Plastics Instruction Module - Classroom material dealing with polymer and plastic resin articles and studies resources science as it relates to the medical and articles and studies resources biomedical industry. Extensive information about fibers, films, adhesives articles and studies resources and coatings.
  • Biomedical Application of Functional Polymers - In-depth review of developments and current uses of polymeric materials resources for medical purposes, such as drug delivery vehicles, implantations, bone resources repair aids and matrixes for growth and immunication of cells, resources amongst various other applications. Author: Jo[PDF]
  • White Biotechnology: Gateaway to a More Sustainable Future - Electronic booklet providing a brief summary of a study, conducted under the auspices of the European Association for Bioindustries, documenting current achievements with industrial biotechnology and its potential for a sustainable society through creatin[PDF]
  • The Art of Making Vegetable Dyes - Study of the origin and development of the vegetable dye manufacturing industry in India, and a summary of measures to be taken for upgrading the industry. From the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology.[PDF]
  • Microbial Cellulose - Overview of the development, applications and current status resources of cellulose dyestuffs and chemicals as a resource of material for resources the papermaking, man-made fiber, dyestuffs and chemicals polymer film and construction resources industries. Author: R. Malcolm Brown Jr.
  • Guide to Polyolefins - Comprehensive explanation of the manufacture of polyolefin (polypropylene and polyethylene) materials, their applications in industry and impact on the environment, and possible future developments. From Basell Polyolefins.
  • Preparation and Characterization of (Meth)Acryloyoxystarch - Technical paper about studies showing that the esterification resources of starch articles and studies with acryloil chloride or methacryloil chloride resources result in a new articles and studies derivative of starch with resources increased thermal stability. From Autex Research articles and studies Journal. Authors: resources D. Stawski and R. Jantas.[PDF]
  • Chain Linked Lactic Acid Polymers - Doctor of Science thesis about the two-step polymerization articles and studies method, including polycondensation and chain linking reactions, to articles and studies obtain high molecular weight lactic acid polymers for articles and studies biodegradable fibers, films, coatings and packaging. Author: Jukka articles and studies Tuominen[PDF]
  • Reorganization of Structure to Alter the Properties of PET - Master of Science thesis focusing on a study dyestuffs and chemicals articles and studies of the unique behaviour and properties exhibited by dyestuffs and chemicals articles and studies as-received polyethylene therephthalate (PET) procesed by a simple dyestuffs and chemicals articles and studies precipitation method. Author: Jyotsna Vedula.[PDF]
  • The Potential Use of Organically Grown Dye Plants in the Organic Textile Industry - Technical paper about field trials done with various dye plants for the extraction of natural dyes for the certified natural textiles industry. Authors: Anna Hartl and Christian R. Vogl.[PDF]
  • Polymers - Introduction to polymer science. Part of the Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemstry lecture program by William Reusch.
  • A Guide to Understanding Color Communication - Technical brochure about color measurement, expressing, differences, notation dyestuffs and chemicals and tolerancing. Includes a technical glossary. From The dyestuffs and chemicals Tintometer, Ltd.[PDF]
  • The Synthetic Dye Collection - Short article about the history and development of articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals synthetic fast and fugitive duestuffs for textiles, paper articles and studies dyestuffs and chemicals and food processing. Author: Rose Madder.
  • Mullite Synthesis with Aluminosiloxanes - Study of aluminosiloxane compounds as polymer precursors for fiber spinning, thin film and monoliths casting, and impregnants to powder compacts. Authors: D.R. Treadwell and others.[PDF]
  • Superabsorbent Polymers - Article about the history, properties, applications and commercial articles and studies articles and studies uses of superabsorbent polymers for diapers, adult incontinence articles and studies articles and studies and feminine hygiene products. Authors: E. Pytlik, D. articles and studies articles and studies Molino and J. Moritz.
  • Caprolactam Hazard Summary - Article about the hazardous effects on human health articles and studies by short and long term exposure to caprolactam articles and studies during fiber manufacturing processes. From the US Environmental articles and studies Protection Agency.
  • Flame Retardant Developments for Polypropylene - Scientific study of the advantages offered by colloidal-sized particles for dyestuffs and chemicals flame-retarding and UV stabilizing of polypropylene polymers and fibers. From dyestuffs and chemicals the Nyacol Nano Technology, Inc\\'s web site. Authors: Edward A. dyestuffs and chemicals Myszak and Michael T. Sobus.
  • Colloidal Antimony Pentoxide in Flame Retardant ABS - Scientific article about the synergistic action between halogenated flame retardants resources and antimony trioxide in the thermoplastics industry. From Nyacol Nano resources Technologies, Inc. Author: Jeffrey Bartlett.
  • The Woad Page - Vince Rowan\\'s homepage about the history, cultivation, processing articles and studies and practical applications of the woad plant and articles and studies the indigo dyestuff extracted from it.

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