Articles and Studies Resources Leather and Fur Textiles and Nonwovens

Short article about the history of leather and hide treatments, and current technologies for the tanning and processing of leather. From Canadian Contract Leathers, Inc.

    Top: Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Leather and Fur: Resources

Articles and Studies

  • The Scope for Decreasing Pollution Load in Leather Processing - United Nations Industrial Development Organization\\'s study on the pollution load resources discharged in effluents during the leather tanning process, and the resources scope for decreasing that load. Prepared by: J. Ludvik.[PDF]
  • SC6000 and Other Surface Coatings for Leather - Technical paper providing a characterization of the various materials used in the conservation of leather and leather bindings, specifically focused on SC6000 which is an acrylic wax mixture. Author: Tish Brewer.[PDF]
  • Chrome Management in the Tanyard - Technical paper reporting on the environmental impact of chrome tanning, and the techniques most frequently used in order to reduce the amount of chrome in tanning wastewater. From the Uniter Nations Industrial Development Organisation. Prepared by: J. L[PDF]
  • Formation, Prevention and Determination of Cr (VI) in Leather - Paper from the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, presenting an articles and studies overview of recently published articles on the sources, detection and articles and studies avoidance of hexavalent chromium in leather and leather products. Prepared articles and studies by: Christane Hauber.[PDF]
  • Vegetable Tanned Leather - Extensive article about the history and development of leather tanning technology with vegetable abstracts. From Siegel of California.
  • The European Tanning Industry Sustainability Review - May 2002 contribution of COTANCE to the World Summit on articles and studies Sustainable Development, describing the principles of sustainable development as practiced articles and studies and implemented by the European leather tanning and processing industry.[PDF]
  • Hair-Save Unhairing Methods in Leather Processing - United Nations Industrial Development Organisation paper about the leather and fur leather and fur ecological advantages of the hair-save unhairing technique in leather and fur leather and fur the leather tanning and processing industry. Prepared by: leather and fur leather and fur Willy Frendrup.[PDF]
  • Chrome Upper Leather - Three-page article about the preparation of leather, and the chrome tanning process. From Siegel of California, Inc.
  • Sources, Detection and Avoidance of Hexavalent Chromium in Leather and Leather Products - Technical report of the United Nations Industrial Development leather and fur leather and fur Organization, summarising the results of investigations about conditions leather and fur leather and fur conductive to or inhibiting generation of chromium VI leather and fur leather and fur in tanned leather. Prepared by: Christiane Hauber.[PDF]
  • Markets for Skins and Leather - A 2003 report providing an overview of the characteristics and worldwide supply capabilities for emu, ostrich, goat, crocodile and camel skins and leathers to Australian producers and processors, prepared for the Rural Industries Research and Development[PDF]
  • Chrome Balance in Leather Processing - Technical paper about the environmental impact of the chrome tanning process, prepared by J. Ludvik as part of a regional program for pollution control in the tanning industry in South East Asia.[PDF]
  • Consultation on Hides and Skins - Executive summary of recommendations for the development of the African articles and studies leather industry, reproduced from "Blueprint for the African Leather Industry: articles and studies A Development, Investment and Trade Guide for the Leather Industry articles and studies in Africa", as published by[PDF]
  • Mass Balance in Leather Processing - United Nations Industrial Development Organisation paper, providing a computation of the mass balance and the efficiency of the leather tanning process as an aid in the assessment of total waste generation. Prepared by: J. Buljan, G. Reich and J. Ludvik.[PDF]
  • The Great Sheep Industry and its Juicy Fifth Quarter - Market survey commissioned by Meat South West, meant articles and studies leather and fur to provide and situation and market analysis of articles and studies leather and fur the UK South West sheep skin industry, identifying articles and studies leather and fur opportunities for improving profitability and sustainability, and provide articles and studies leather and fur guidelines for future develop[PDF]
  • Leather Finisher's Manual - Extensive, two-page article about leather finishing techniques, materials, and properties resources testing. From Siegel of California, Inc.
  • Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Leather Tanning and Finishing - Australian government approved manual describing the procedures and recommended approaches for estimating emissions from facilities engaged in leather tanning, processing and finishing, and in the production of fellmongered wool, pelt or slipe wool.[PDF]
  • Pakistan's Leather Industry - Review of the state of affairs of the articles and studies Pakistani leather tanning, processing and finishing industry in articles and studies 1996-1997.[PDF]
  • History and Process of Leather - Short article about the history of leather and resources hide treatments, and current technologies for the tanning resources and processing of leather. From Canadian Contract Leathers, resources Inc.[PDF]

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