Articles and Studies Resources Nonwovens Textiles and Nonwovens

Introductory article about the development of new test methods for the identification of recycled fiber in nonwoven fabrics, and the determination of a relationship between fiber damage and the performance of nonwovens. Authors: Prof. Kenneth D. Langley,

    Top: Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Nonwovens: Resources

Articles and Studies

  • What is a Nonwoven Fabric? - The Association for the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry\\'s (INDA)definition articles and studies nonwovens for nonwoven fabrics, and a list of uses articles and studies nonwovens and applications.
  • Stitch-Bonded-Hydroentangled Nonwoven Composites - Description of manufacturing process, structural characteristics, and properties and applications nonwovens of innovative nonwoven composites, made with stitchbond and spunlace fabrics. nonwovens Authors: Elke Schmalz, Hilmar Fuchs, Margot Brodtka and Jochen Schreiber.
  • Automotive Industry a High Potential Market for Nonwovens Sound Insulation - Technical paper focusing on the increasing penetration of nonwoven fabrics and products in automotive sound insulation applications. Discussion of properties, recyclability and renewable resources. Authors: S. Vasile and L. v. Langenhove.[PDF]
  • Progress in Meltblowing Thermoplastic Polyurethane - Short article about research into the manufacture of resources meltblown thermoplastic polyurethanes for possible protection barriers for resources military applications. Author: Larry C. Wadsworth.
  • Electrochemical Properties of Carbon Nanofiber Web - Technical paper discussing the electrochemical properties of a nonwoven electrospun carbon nanofiber web for supercapacitators. Authors: C. Kim and K.S. Yang.[PDF]
  • Nonwoven Roll Products Tailor-Made for High-Quality Blank Production - Technical paper, describing novel nonwoven fabrics for the resources covering of articles and studies rolls at the inlet and outlet resources positions of washer cleaning articles and studies machines at automotive press resources shops. Author: Jim Ruszyck.[PDF]
  • Development of Bi-Component Meltblown Fiber Nonwovens - Concise report on an experiment with meltblown bi-component articles and studies splittable fibers in order to obtain a submicron articles and studies fiber web, through the use of hydroentanglement technology. articles and studies From the TANDEC web site. Authors: Christine Sun articles and studies and Dong Zhang.
  • The Manufacturing of Wet-Laid Hydroentangled Glassfiber Composites: Preliminary Results - Peer reviewed article about the demonstrated potential for resources manufacturing a wet-laid, hydroentangled nonwoven preform for composites, resources using blends of glassfiber and low melt polyester. resources Authors: N. Vaidya and others. From the INDA resources web site.[PDF]
  • The Use of Natural Fibers in Nonwoven Structures for Applications as Automotive Component Substrates - Research and development report under the auspices of the UK articles and studies Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, describing a study aimed articles and studies at determining the current status of knowledge and commercial usage articles and studies of natural fibers in automotive nonwovens. Authors: G.C.[PDF]
  • Tensile Behaviour of Low Density Thermally Bonded Nonwoven Material - Technical paper presenting the results of uniaxial tensile tests on a low density thermally bonded nonwoven to investige the effects of specimen size, shape factors and cyclic tensile loading conditions on deformational behaviour and performance of the no[PDF]
  • Recycling and Reuse of Mixed Fiber Fabric Remnants - Report on a research project performed to evaluate resources the use nonwovens of recycled cotton, polyester and spandex resources fiber blends from cut nonwovens and shredded textile waste, resources in the manufacture of yarns and nonwovens woven fabrics, resources and nonwovens needlepunch fabrics, as well as their nonwovens resources appli[PDF]
  • Manufacturing Nonwovens Using Recycled Fibers - Introductory article about the development of new test resources methods for the identification of recycled fiber in resources nonwoven fabrics, and the determination of a relationship resources between fiber damage and the performance of nonwovens. resources Authors: Prof. Kenneth D. Langley,[PDF]
  • Utilization of Turkey Feather Fibers in Nonwoven Erosion Control Fabrics - Peer reviewed article about a new method for articles and studies articles and studies stripping turkey feather fibers from the quill, and articles and studies articles and studies a report on current research into developing latex articles and studies articles and studies bonded nonwovens containing feather fibers for erosion control articles and studies articles and studies applications. Authors: Brian R. George and o[PDF]
  • Polymeric Nanofibers and Nanofiber Webs: A New Class of Nonwovens - Technical paper on the electrospinning process for the articles and studies production of nanofibers from synthetic fiber-forming polymers, and articles and studies a review of the physical characteristics of nonwoven articles and studies nanofiber webs. From Donaldson Company, Inc. Authors: Timothy articles and studies Grafe and Kristin[PDF]
  • The Influence of Fiber Properties and Processing Conditions on the Characteristics of Needled Fabrics - Master of Science thesis about an investigation of resources the role nonwovens of fiber crimp and other processing resources conditions on needlepunch fabrics, nonwovens involving possible interactions between resources fiber crimp, carding parameters, crimp retention nonwovens and their resources relation to fabric proper[PDF]
  • Fundamentals of Fiber Dispersion in Water - Master of Science thesis on fiber dispersion in articles and studies articles and studies water to the wet-lay nonwovens industry, and the articles and studies articles and studies tools required to develop apparatus and analysis methods articles and studies articles and studies capable of predicting whether a given fiber, fiber articles and studies articles and studies blend or white water chemistry will provide a articles and studies articles and studies unif[PDF]
  • Nonwoven Uniformity - Measurements Using Image Analysis - Scientific paper about the development of statistical measures articles and studies articles and studies for quality control and characterization of the mass articles and studies articles and studies distribution of fibers in nonwoven substrates through the articles and studies articles and studies application of imaging techniques. From INDA. Author: Rajeev articles and studies articles and studies Chhandra.[PDF]
  • Nonwovens From PTT Staple Fibers - Scientific article about the application of polytrimethylene terephthalate resources (PTT) staple nonwovens fibers in nonwovens manufacturing processes. Tables resources and chemical structure. From nonwovens Shell Chemicals. Authors: Charles resources C. Who and Donald A. Shiffler.[PDF]
  • Preparation and Properties of Cotton-Eastar Nonwovens - Peer reviewed technical paper about the production of resources thermally bonded resources nonwovens from cotton and biodegradable thermoplastic resources cellulose acetate, including a resources discussion of the structure resources and properties of the resulting products. resources Authors; S. resources Bhat and others.[PDF]
  • Characterization of Structural Changes in Nonwoven Fabrics During Load-Deformation Experiments - Study exploring the structural parameters of point-bonded nonwovens during controlled deformation experiments to provide quantitative measures and determine the role of bonding temperature on deformation behaviour. Authors: Han Seong Kirn and others.[PDF]
  • Sound Absorption Properties of Recycled Polyester Fibrous Assembly Absorbers - Technical paper about the examination of the sound absorption coefficient of recycled polyester nonwovens, determined by a two-microphone impedance measurement tube, and compared with the traditional glass- and rockwool materials. From Autex Research Jour[PDF]
  • Application of Polypropylene Nonwoven Beds in Reducing Oil Concentrations In Emulsions - Technical paper examining the process of oil emulsion sorption by nonwovens sorptive beds made of polypropylene nonwovens for applications in oil nonwovens separators for the treatment of industrial wastewaters and rain waters. nonwovens Authors: J. Kaluzka and M. Lebiedowski.[PDF]
  • Dust Explosion Hazard in Certain Textile Processes. - In-depth article on the potential dangers inherent in articles and studies the flocking process, and the preventive measures that articles and studies should be observed. From OSHA.
  • What Is Wool Felt? - Short description of the nature and technique of nonwovens wool felting, resources including some history. From the Feltcraft nonwovens web site.
  • Theoretical Determination of the Mechanical Response of Spunbonded Nonwovens - Technical paper presenting a theory to predict the tensile behaviour of spunbond nonwoven fabrics from the knowledge of stress-strain behaviour of its constituent fibers, orientation angle distribution, fabric Poisson\\'s ratio and shear strains. Authors: S[PDF]
  • Nonwovens Science and Technology - A introduction to the nonwovens industry, originally created nonwovens by Prof. resources Kermit Duckett and students at the nonwovens University of Tennessee, and resources currently maintained by Prof. nonwovens Larry Wadworth. Extensive descriptions of fibers resources and materials, nonwovens web formation technologies,
  • Simulation and Analysis of Unbonded Nonwoven Fibrous Structures - Technical paper, reporting on a novel algorithm for articles and studies generating three-dimensional virtual structures resembling unbonded nonwoven fibrous articles and studies webs made from short and infinitely long fibers. articles and studies Authors: Behnam Pourdeyhimi and others.[PDF]
  • Optimising Paper Machine Felt Change Schedules - Technical paper presenting a stochastic dynamic programming model nonwovens for determining articles and studies a felt replacement policy that minimizes nonwovens the cost of felt articles and studies and down time in nonwovens paper machine machines. Author: Caterine L. articles and studies Hicks. [PDF][PDF]
  • Comparison of Thermal Insulation Performance of Fibrous Materials for the Advanced Space Suit - Study analysing numerically the thermal conductivity performance for resources three candidate resources insulating fiber materials in terms of resources various denier, interstitial void resources fractions and media, and resources orientations to the applied temperature. Authors: resources H.L. Paul resources and K.R. Dil[PDF]
  • Multifunctional Fibres for Air-laid and Dry-laid Applications - Paper presented at the Edana 2000 Nonwovens Symposium, dealing with resources the global capacity and historic sales of air-laid thermobond nonwovens, resources and new developments in bicompionent fibers for the air-laid nonwovens resources industry. Author: Niels K. Christensen.
  • Numerical Modeling of Thermobonded Nonwovens - Peer reviewed paper, describing a numerical method for the prediction of nonwovens tensile behaviour depending on bond point geometry and process parameters. From INDA. Author: D.H. Mueller and M. Kochmann.[PDF]
  • The Bonding Durability of Sorbent Particles - Presentation of a newly developed method for the evaluation of resources the bonding durability of sorbent particles to meltblown composite nonwovens. resources Author: C. Nowicka.[PDF]
  • Spacial Variation of Nonwovens Surface Density - Short paper describing planar anisotropy and other structural articles and studies articles and studies characteristics of nonwovens, based on the random field articles and studies articles and studies theory and spatial autocorrelation devices. Authors: Jiri Militky articles and studies articles and studies and others.[PDF]
  • Tomographic Approaches to Nonwoven Structure Definition - Description of a National Textile Center (NTC) project articles and studies in collaboration with various laboratories, aiming to develop articles and studies a new technology permitting the visualization and quantification articles and studies of the three dimensional structure of thick nonwoven articles and studies fabrics of arbitrary[PDF]
  • Cotton for Nonwovens - A Technical Guide - Extensive technical article on cotton in relation to its use in the nonwovens industry. Crop growing, ginning and classification. Properties, chemistry and morphology. Nonwoven production processes and cotton fiber selection and use. Diagrams and tables.
  • Orthotropic Theory for the Prediction of Mechanical Performance in Point-Bonded Nonwovens - Technical paper about the application of the orthotropic theory to articles and studies evaluate mechanical performance for point-bonded nonwoven fabrics with preferred orientation articles and studies direction. Author: Han Seong Kim.[PDF]
  • Acoustical Absorptive Properties of Nonwovens - Master of Science thesis presenting a literature review and study about the influence of variations in fiber type, thickness and cross section, material thickness, porosity and density, and airflow resistance, on the acoustical absorptive properties of no[PDF]
  • Qualitative Evaluation of Nonwoven Samples Using Fiber Identification Stain - Technical paper about a method to identify individual fibers in a nonwoven substrate through the application of Du Pont\\'s Fiber Identification Stain Nr. 4. From INDA Nonwovens Journal. Author: M. Mlynar.[PDF]
  • Thermal Barrier Properties of Flame Resistant Nonwovens - Master of Science thesis about research conducted to nonwovens identify methods nonwovens of determining the radiative thermal conductivity nonwovens of needlepunch nonwovens. Author: nonwovens Rahul Vallabh.[PDF]
  • Relationship between Fiber Orientation Distribution Function and Mechanical Anisotropy of Thermally Point-Bonded Nonwovens - Technical paper about the link that has been established between geometrical features and mechanical performance of nonwovens in general, and of point-bonded nonwoven fabrics in particular. Author: Han Seong Kim.[PDF]
  • Evaluating the Potential Use of Highloft Nonwoven Fabrics for Rain Gutter Applications - Master of Science thesis exploring the potential application nonwovens and utilization of highloft nonwoven fabrics in rain nonwovens gutters instead of more expensive alternatives such as nonwovens gutter guards and screens. Author: Selcuk Filiz.[PDF]
  • Resistance of Carbon and Active Carbon Precursor Nonwovens - Technical paper about the development of active carbon nonwovens from resources regenerated cellulose as electrode material for electrical capacitors. Authors: Romualda resources Cislo and others.[PDF]
  • Improvements in Compressional Properties of High-Lofts - Technical paper about a laboratory test to evaluate nonwovens the compressional recovery properties of a high-loft nonwoven nonwovens web created with new types of matrix fibers nonwovens and bi-component fibers. Authors: Oldrich Jirzak and others.[PDF]
  • Investigation of the Fiber, Bulk and Surface properties of Meltblown and Electrospun Polymeric Fabrics - Technical paper about a study of the surface resources energy and resources wettability, strength, fiber diameter, and microscopic resources structure of meltblown and resources electrospun nonwovens from polyamide resources and polyurethane. Authors: Peter T. Tsai resources and others.[PDF]
  • Opportunities for Scrap Textile Feedstock Conversion in New England - Evaluation of the use of scrap textiles by manufacturers of articles and studies textiles and nonwovens in Massachusetts, USA. From the Chelsea Center articles and studies for Recycling and Economic Development. Author: Edward Boisson.[PDF]
  • More Wool Gatherings: Felt - Short essay about the history and technique of making felt fabric from wool.

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