Medical and Hygiene Articles and Studies Resources Nonwovens

Description of an instrumental method enabling real-time measurement of in-plane anisotropic liquid absorption in nonwoven fabrics, by using variations in electrical capacitance to monitor changes in the liquid absorbed by a fabric as a function of time.

    Top: Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Nonwovens: Resources: Articles and Studies

Medical and Hygiene

  • Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Treatment of Nonwovens Using Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharges - Extensive technical paper presenting the results of research into a articles and studies method of hydrophilization, grafting and metal plating of polypropylene nonwovens articles and studies for hygiene disposables, by using novel types of atmospheric-pressure low-temperature articles and studies plasma sources. Aut[PDF]
  • Nonwovens of Cotton Fibres for Absorbent Products Obtained by the Needlepunching Process - Analysis of equations of variation of liquid absorption medical and hygiene articles and studies speed and surface weight of cotton needlepunched nonwovens medical and hygiene articles and studies for hygiene disposables. From Autex Research Journal. Authors: medical and hygiene articles and studies Paul Kiekens and Maria Zamfir.[PDF]
  • Nonwoven Barrier Fabrics for Medical Applications - Technical article about the developments and applications of resources nonwoven barrier articles and studies fabrics for medical applications. Descriptions of resources the various manufacturing technologies, articles and studies and performance enhancing techniques resources and processes. From Hills, Inc. English articles and studies and French
  • Enzymatic Treatment of Fibers for Nonwovens - Master of Science thesis describing research undertaken to articles and studies investigate the effects of enzymatic pretreatment on the articles and studies properties of cotton fibers and the resulting technical articles and studies properties of hydroentangled fabric made from those articles and studies fibers. Author: Karthik Arumug[PDF]
  • Nonwovens Containing Immobilized Superabsorbent Polymer Particles - Technical review of the process of manufacturing nonwoven articles and studies resources webs containing superabsorbent polymers (SAP), produced by in-situ articles and studies resources polymerization on partially neutralised acrylic monomers. Author: Darryl articles and studies resources L. Whitmore.[PDF]
  • Liquid Sorption by Nonwovens Containing Superabsorbent Fibers - Technical paper presenting the results of research concerned resources with the resources development and testing of the liquid resources sorption of nonwoven materials resources designed for sweat absorbing resources inlays. Author: Grazyna Bartkowiak.[PDF]
  • Application of Electrically Conductive Textiles as Electromagnetic Shields in Physiotherapy - Technical paper about the development of electrically conductive resources nonwoven stitchbond medical and hygiene and needlepunch fabrics for short-wave and resources microwave shielding applications. Authors: medical and hygiene Joanna Koprowska and others.[PDF]
  • Antimicrobial Techniques for Medical Nonwovens - Technical paper on the unique microbial problems of resources nonwovens for medical applications. Reviews of literature, technologies, resources safety issues, test procedures and clinical evaluations. From resources Aegis Environments.[PDF]
  • Identification of the Major Cost Drivers within a Medical Nonwovens Pipeline - Master of Science thesis presenting research into the resources specific cost articles and studies drivers associated with the production and resources marketing of medical nonwovens. articles and studies Author: Kathleen McKenzie Hailey.[PDF]
  • Patterned Electrospray Fiber Structures - Peer reviewed technical paper presenting an investigation into articles and studies resources multi-layer arrangement of patterned electrospun fibers, deposited in articles and studies resources single layers onto airpermeable substrates for chemical protective articles and studies resources clothing and filter masks. Authors: Phil Gibson and articles and studies resources Hei[PDF]
  • Generation of Synthetic Elastin-Mimetic Small Diameter Fibers and Fiber Networks - Technical paper about the creation, image analysis and medical and hygiene characterization of nonwoven electrospun biomimetic fabrics for medical medical and hygiene applications, from elastin peptide protein polymer. Authors: Lei medical and hygiene Huang and others.[PDF]
  • Alginates Explained - Information paper about the raw material properties, manufacturing process, laboratory medical and hygiene observations and clinical findings pertaining to wound dressings made of medical and hygiene needlepunch nonwoven fabrics, from seaweed extracted high molecular weight hydrophylic medical and hygiene alginate[PDF]
  • Nonwoven Technologies for Medical Implants - Technical paper describing the materials and technologies used medical and hygiene to create biocompatible nonwoven products for tissue engineering medical and hygiene and other medical applications. Author: Martin Dauner.[PDF]
  • Apparatus and Method for the Assessment of In-Plane Anisotropic Liquid Absorption in Nonwoven Fabrics - Description of an instrumental method enabling real-time measurement of in-plane anisotropic liquid absorption in nonwoven fabrics, by using variations in electrical capacitance to monitor changes in the liquid absorbed by a fabric as a function of time.[PDF]
  • New Developments in Biodegradable Nonwovens - Overview of the current position of biodegradable materials, which are in the process of being developed, and to some extend already used, in the nonwovens industry. Author: Calvin Woodings.
  • Scientific Basis for the Selection of Absorbent Underpads - From Liveabled.Com. Scientific study on the efficiency of incontinence pad materials, manufactured from a variety of fibers, nonwoven fabrics and structures. Authors; Richard F. Edlick, Jarrett Arnette and Thomas F. Henzey.
  • Design of Nonwoven Scaffold Structures for Tissue Engineering - Scientific paper, reviewing the internal structure and cell-fiber medical and hygiene medical and hygiene compatibility, including experiments on the biocompatibility of various medical and hygiene medical and hygiene generic fibers, of nonwoven scaffolds used in tissue medical and hygiene medical and hygiene engineering of the anterior cruciate ligament. Authors: S.L. medical and hygiene medical and hygiene Edw[PDF]
  • Incorporation of Electrospun Nanofibers into Functional Structures - Technical paper discussing the incorporation of electrospun nanofibers resources into a layered composite material for protective clothing. resources Authors: Kristine Graham and others.[PDF]
  • Some Advances in Nonwoven Structures for Absorbancy, Comfort and Aesthetics - Presentation of examples of high-performance, multi-functional unitary nonwoven structures for personal and healthcare hygiene disposables, relating to comfort in use, aesthetics and fluid acquisition. From Autex Research Journal. Author: Jacek Dutkiewicz[PDF]
  • Developing Chitosan-Based Composite Wound Dressing - Short article focused on the development of wound articles and studies resources dressings based on wet-laid and freeze-dryed chitosan fiber articles and studies resources nonwovens, and a comparison of properties of the articles and studies resources two materials. Author: Chureerat Prahsarn.[PDF]

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