Technology Articles and Studies Resources Nonwovens

Technical paper presenting a method for testing the technological needling resistance of a nonwoven web in dependence on the type of elementary fibers and the needling frequency. Author: Henryk Kapusta.

    Top: Business: Textiles and Nonwovens: Nonwovens: Resources: Articles and Studies


  • Study of Meltblown Structures Formed by Robotic and Meltblowing Integrated System - Peer reviewed technical paper reporting on parametric studies evaluating the articles and studies effect of polymer through-put rate, attenuating air-pressure and temperature, and articles and studies die temperature, on fiber diameter distributions of meltblown webs from articles and studies polypropylene produced u[PDF]
  • The Effects of Etching on Low-Stress Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Fabrics under Helium/Oxygen Atmospheric Pressure Plasma - Technical paper about an investigation of the low-stress mechanical properties of unfinished polypropylene spunbond-meltblown-spunbond (SMS) composite nonwovens, by exposure to He/O2 atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma. Authors: Yoon J. Hwang and o[PDF]
  • Dispersion of Synthetic Fibers in Wet-laid Nonwovens - Technical paper discussing the factors effecting synthetic fiber dispersion and articles and studies methods for evaluating that dispersion in wet-laid nonwoven manufacturing processes. articles and studies From Minifiber, Inc. Author: James M. Keith.[PDF]
  • Improved Fiber Hydroentanglement Using Pulsed Elliptical Jets - Technical paper describing a research project aiming to increase the technology number and extent of fiber entanglements in spunlace fabrics, while technology reducing water and energy expenditures to allow higher production rates technology and improved fabric properties. Authors: Micha[PDF]
  • Bi-Component Spunbond Die Technology - Technical paper about the development of a new articles and studies resources spunbond manufacturing technology using electrically heated dies, and articles and studies resources compared with the performance characteristics of thermally heated articles and studies resources systems. Descriptions of test methods and results. From articles and studies resources Nordson Fiber Sy[PDF]
  • Formation of Fiberwebs from Staple Fibers with Controlled Fiber Orientation Using Electrostatic Forces: Theoretical Analysis - Technical paper, describing a research project aimed at the development resources of novel methods of nonwoven fiberweb formation techniques using electrostatic resources forces, where orientation and distribution of staple fibers are positively resources controlled. Authors: Yiyun Ca[PDF]
  • Process Property Studies of Meltblown Thermoplastic Polyurethane Polymers - Doctor of Philosophy dissertation presenting research to determine the optimum resources processing conditions for the production of commercially acceptable meltblown thermoplastic resources polyurethane webs. Author: Young Eung Lee.[PDF]
  • Polyether Based Thermoplastic Polyurethane Melt Blown Nonwovens - Part of a series of technical papers about articles and studies articles and studies the influence of melt-blowing processing parameters on the articles and studies articles and studies polymer properties and nonwoven fabric properties for block articles and studies articles and studies thermoplastic elastomers. Authors: Terezie Zapletalova and others.[PDF]
  • An Examination of the Hydroentangling Process Variables - Peer reviewed technical paper presenting a simple mechanical resources model describing the transformation of a random fiber resources web into a hydroentangled fabric having a clearly resources defined cellular structure dependent on the forming wire. resources Authors: A.M. Seyam and others.[PDF]
  • Modelling of the Hydroentanglement Process - Technical paper presenting the development of a computational articles and studies resources fluid dynamics model of the hydroentanglement process. Authors: articles and studies resources Ping Xiang, Andrey V. Kuznetsov and Abdelfattah Mohamed articles and studies resources Seyam.[PDF]
  • Computational Modeling of Mechanical Performance in Thermally Point Bonded Nonwovens - Scientific article about a newly developed mechanics based articles and studies technology model to help understand the behaviour of point articles and studies technology bonded nonwovens as a function of various structural articles and studies technology and process variables. Authors: H.S. Kim and B. articles and studies technology Pourdeyhimi.[PDF]
  • Ensemble Laser Diffraction for Online Measurement of Fiber Diameter Distribution During the Melt Blowing Process - Technical paper about the measurement of the attenuation and fiber bundling of polypropylene polymer fibers during the melt blowing process, using a new laser diffraction technique. Authors: Eric M. Moore and others.[PDF]
  • Meltblowing: A Technology that Produces Extremely Lightweight Fiberwebs Directly From Polymers - Description of a novel system to form three-dimensional articles and studies molded nonwoven structures through proper integration of a articles and studies laboratory scale meltblown unit with a small die articles and studies and a six-axis robot. Originally published by the articles and studies Textile Research Journal. From Jobwerx.Co
  • Three Dimensional Structures from Nonwovens - Master of Science thesis, assessing the process of molding or articles and studies thermoforming spunbond and spunlace nonwoven fabrics into a three-dimensional structure articles and studies without the use of resins or binders, via the SpaceNet articles and studies Formed Fiber System. Author: Gregory Aaron Grisset[PDF]
  • Effect of Bonding Variables in Thermal Bonding of Polypropylene Nonwovens - Master of Science thesis presenting research on the effects of resources some of the process variables of nonwoven webs in a resources thermal point bonding process. Author: Praveen Kumar Jangala.[PDF]
  • Webforming Technologies - Detailed descriptions of the dry- and wet-laid, spunbond and melt-blown technology webforming technologies, and the resin, thermo, needlepunch, spunlace and stitchbond technology bonding technologies in use with the nonwovens industry. From Mercantile technology Development, Inc.
  • Analysis of Values of Punching Forces in the Process of Web Needling in Dynamic Conditions - Technical paper presenting a method for testing the technological needling resistance of a nonwoven web in dependence on the type of elementary fibers and the needling frequency. Author: Henryk Kapusta.[PDF]
  • Formation and Characterization of Electrospun Nonwoven Webs - Master of Science thesis about the formation of technology nonwoven webs technology produced by electrospinning polyethylene terephthalate on technology a purpose built rotating technology drum, and the characterization technology of fiber diameter, distribution, orientation distribution technology function, and technology pore si[PDF]
  • The Evaluation of Evenness of Nonwovens Using Image Analysis Method - Technical paper about a study of the applicability of image resources analysis techniques using a scanner with a charged coupled device resources (CCD), to save time and labor during the evaluation of resources the evenness of nonwovens. Authors: Sung Hoon Jeong and others.[PDF]
  • Fibers Caught in the Knuckles of the Forming Wires - Technical paper, describing experimental measurements and physical origins technology of the resources force of peeling required for the technology separation of the wet resources hydroentangled fabric from the technology forming wires. Authors: Ping Xiang and resources others.[PDF]
  • The Impact of Input Energy, Fiber Properties, and Forming Wires on the Performance of Hydroentangled Fabrics - Doctor of Philosophy dissertation containing a critical literature resources review of technology the development of the hydroentanglement technology resources and fabric performance, and technology a presentation of a resources model describing the force and energy technology required to resources form fabric aperture. Author[PDF]
  • Evaluations of an Aramid Fiber in Nonwovens Processes for Honeycomb Applications - Technical paper about a study investigating the relationships technology between material resources requirements in making sheets for honeycomb technology core applications by characterising resources and processing a model technology aramid fiber into nonwoven samples whose resources adaptability for technology honeycomb appli[PDF]
  • Nanofiber Webs from Electrospinning - Technical paper presented at the 2003 Nonwovens in Filtration Fifth technology International Conference, discussing the performance characteristics of meltblown nanofiber filtration technology media in a mining vehicle cabin air filter. Authors: Timothy technology H. Grafe and Kristine M[PDF]
  • Wool Felting - From Gleason\\'s Fine Woollen Ranch. Illustrated description of the technology resources of home made woollen felts.
  • Fiber Splitting of Bicomponent Meltblown Microfiber Nonwovens by Chemical and Water Treatment - Master of Science thesis presenting a study of articles and studies the production of microfiber melt-blown nonwovens by water articles and studies and alkaline treatment. Author: Hua Song.[PDF]
  • Fiber Formation During Melt Blowing - Peer reviewed technical paper presenting experimental measurements to articles and studies technology provide phenomenological insight into the commercial melt blowing articles and studies technology process, focusing on measurements obtained at various die-collector articles and studies technology locations. Authors: Randall R. Bresee and Wen-Chien[PDF]
  • Fiber Crimp and Crimp Stability in Nonwoven Fabric Processes - Doctor of Philosophy dissertation about a study aiming articles and studies to quantify the mechanical behaviour of fiber during articles and studies crimp removal, and relating it to fundamental fiber articles and studies properties, nonwoven fabric properties, and processibility on nonwovens articles and studies equipment. Author: Ina[PDF]
  • Investigation of Biodegradable Nonwoven Composites Based on Cotton, Bagasse and other Annual Plants - Master of Science thesis presenting a study about the development technology of a new method of preparing biodegradable all-cellulosic composite nonwoven technology materials composed of cotton and kenaf, or cotton and bagasse. technology Author: Xiaoqun Zhang.[PDF]
  • Influence of Process Conditions on Melt Blown Web Structure: Fiber Diameter - Extensive technical paper, reporting experimental measurements of the technology influence of die-to-collector distance, primary air-flow rate, die technology temperature, collector speed and resin throughput rate on technology the diameter of fibers in fully formed melt-blown technology webs. Auth[PDF]
  • The Effect of Molecular Weight and Linear Velocity of Drum Surface on the Properties of Electrospun PET Nonwovens - Technical paper evaluating the effect of the molecular resources weight of the polymer on electrospun polyethylene terephthalate resources (PET) nonwovens, and their mechanical properties as a resources function of the linear velocity of the drum resources surface. Authors: Kwan Woo Kim and oth[PDF]
  • Production of Cotton Nonwoven Fabrics Using H1 Technology Needleloom - Brief overview of Fehrer AG\\'s novel H1 needlepunch resources technology, and a discussion of its potential for resources the development of cotton and other natural fiber resources based nonwovens. Authors: S.S. Ramkumar and A.P.S. Sawhney.[PDF]
  • Structure and Properties of Cotton Based Biodegradable Nonwovens - Doctor of Philosophy dissertation about the production of articles and studies biodegradable cotton based nonwovens using different binder fibers, articles and studies including a study of the structure and properties articles and studies of the resulting fabrics and an analysis of articles and studies their fracture and failure mechanis[PDF]
  • Strength, Surface Energy and Ageing of Meltblown and Electrospun Nylon and Polyurethane Plasma Treated Fabrics - Extensive technical paper reporting on the results of articles and studies technology experimental testing of polyamide and polyurethane meltblown and articles and studies technology nanofiber fabrics by the one atmosphere uniform glow articles and studies technology discharge plasma (OAUGDP) treatment. Authors: J. Reece Roth articles and studies technology and WeiWei Chen.[PDF]
  • Investigation of Meltblown Microfiber and Electrospun Nanofiber Fabrics - Scientific article focused on the effects of one atmosphere uniform articles and studies glow discharge plasma (OAUGDP) treatments on the properties and characteristics articles and studies of meltblown microfiber and electrospun nanofiber webs. Authors: J. Reese articles and studies Roth, WeiWei Chen and Peter P.-Y.[PDF]
  • The Impact of Input Energy on the Performance of Hydroentangled Nonwoven Fabrics - Peer reviewed study, investigating the performance behaviour of resources hydroentangled nonwovens articles and studies fabrics in terms of input water resources jet energy and fabric articles and studies structural parameters. Authors: Huabing resources Zheng and others. From the INDA articles and studies web site.[PDF]
  • Process Property Studies of Melt Blown Thermoplastic Polyurethane Polymers for Protective Apparel - Peer reviewed technical paper, describing research aimed at resources determining optimum processing conditions for the production of resources commercially acceptable melt blown thermoplastic polyurethane microfiber nonwoven resources fabrics. Authors: Youn Eung Lee, Ph.D., and Larry[PDF]
  • Application of Polymer Rheology in Meltblowing Process and On-line Rheological Sensor - Doctor of Philosophy dissertation about the determination of articles and studies the rheological properties of two melt-blown grade polypropylene articles and studies polymers under different processing conditions, by various off-line articles and studies methods. Author: Yizhong Wang.[PDF]
  • Application of Nanofiber Technology to Nonwoven Thermal Insulation - Technical paper, investigating the thermal transfer properties of technology nonwoven high-loft articles and studies nanofiber battings for military protective clothing, technology made from carbon and articles and studies polymeric fibers such as technology polyacrylonitrile, polyamide and polyurethane. Authors: Philip articles and studies W. Gibso[PDF]
  • Spunlaced Cotton and Cotton Blend Cosmetic Pads and Bed Sheets: Study of Fiber Entanglement - Technical paper, describing experimental investigations of needlepunched and resources hydroentangled nonwovens composed of different blends of cotton resources fiber and comber noils, rayon and low-melt polymeric resources fibers, aimed at developing high quality cosmetic pads resources and ec[PDF]
  • Recycling and Reuse of Mixed Fiber Fabric Remnants - Technical paper about an experimental study into the resources recycling of articles and studies textiles from cotton, polyester and spandex resources into needlepunch nonwovens, spun articles and studies yarns and woven fabrics, resources and the possible application as flock articles and studies material. Includes resources literature reviews. Authors:[PDF]
  • Basis Weight Uniformity of Lightly Needled Hydroentangled Cotton and Cotton Blended Webs - Technical paper, reporting on the development of thermobonded needlepunch and articles and studies hydroentangled nonwoven fabrics with improved basis weight uniformity, created from articles and studies bleached cotton and comber noils, viscose and bi-component fiber in articles and studies various different blend f[PDF]
  • The Manufacturing of Wet-laid Hydroentangled Glass Fiber Composites For Industrial Applications - Master of Science thesis, focused on research of manufacturing a composite of sufficient strength from glass fibers using low-melt polyester or bi-component fibers as binder fibers for nonwoven spunlace preforms. Author: Neha Vaidya.[PDF]
  • Water Retention by Active Carbon Fibers Obtained from Viscose - Technical paper presenting the results of research carried out into technology the water retention ability of spunlace nonwovens from cellulose fibers, technology pyrolised, carbonised and activated at 850 degrees Celcius. From Autex technology Research Journal. Authors: R. Cislo and oth[PDF]
  • Biopolishing Cellulosic Nonwovens - Doctor of Philosophy dissertation presenting research in order to determine whether the biopolishing (a finishing technique consisting of a cellulase treatment of cellulosic fabrics) technology is suitable for hydroentangled cellulosic nonwovens and will[PDF]
  • Splitting of Islands-in-the-Sea Fibers During Hydroentangling of nonwovens - Technical paper summarising investigations into the hydroentanglement of islands-in-the-sea (PA resources 6/COPET) fibers without dissolution of the sea component, through the resources development of a new spinneret design and the modification of resources co-polyester structures. Au[PDF]
  • Influence of Heat-Stretching Treatment on Structure and Properties of Bico MB Nonwoven Webs - Technical article reporting on a trial with heat technology stretch treatment (HST) on side-by-side bicomponent meltblown webs technology to determine its influence on web structure and technology properties. Author: Dong Zhang and others.[PDF]
  • Strength Optimization of Thermally Bonded Spunbond Nonwovens - Technical paper, discussing the use of island-in-the-sea bi-component fiber to resources overcome the shortcomings of thermal bonding and obtain high-strength thermally resources point bonded nonwoven spunbond fabrics. Authors: Nataliya Federova and others.[PDF]
  • Creative Drying Pulls Nonwoven Line Into Shape - Feature article about the development of a novel resources combination of articles and studies a convection dryer and a customized resources deckle system, to produce articles and studies nonwovens with varying widths resources while minimizing product shrinkage. From Process-Heating.Com.
  • Influence of Processing Conditions on Melt Blown Web Structure - Peer reviewed technical paper describing the influence of die-to-collector distance articles and studies (DCD) on fiber entanglement, fiber orientation and pore structure of articles and studies commercially manufactured polypropylene melt-blown webs. Author: Randall R. Bresee.[PDF]
  • Nonwoven Technologies - Detailed descriptions of the web formation, bonding and articles and studies articles and studies finishing technologies in use in the nonwovens industry, articles and studies articles and studies including diagrams of the dry-, wet- and air-laid, articles and studies articles and studies spunbond and meltblown methods. From Polymer Group, Inc.
  • Fiber Surface Modification by Particle Coating - Master of Science thesis presenting the development of a one-step process to impart anti-static, anti-bacterial, anti-odor, soil resistance, biocompatibility and other functionalities onto the fiber surface by dry coating melt-blown webs with nano particl[PDF]
  • Formation of Shaped or Molded Meltblowing Nonwoven Structures - Technical paper about the effect of various process parameters on a number of meltblown polypropylene web characteristics. Authors: Y. Velu and others.[PDF]
  • Three Dimensional Structures Formed by a Robotic and Meltblowing Integrated System - Doctor of Philosophy dissertation about an investigation into technology the effects technology of various process parameters of three-dimensional technology meltblown webs formed by technology a robotic fiber assembly technology and control system. Author: Yogeshwar Karunakaran technology Velu.[PDF]
  • An Introduction to Spunbond and Meltblown - Introduction to the spunbond and meltblown technologies, and their composite applications. Descriptions of basic terms, polymers, fabric characteristics, fibers, processes and markets. From Nordson Fiber Systems.[PDF]
  • Texture Evolution in Hydroentangled Nonwovens - Technical paper reporting on a co-occurrence based method articles and studies technology for texture analysis to examine the development of articles and studies technology the texture of a spunlace fabric during hydroentangling articles and studies technology as a function of process conditions. Authors: O.B. articles and studies technology Berkalp, B. Pourdeyhimi and A. Seyam.[PDF]

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