Ship Registries Maritime Transportation and Logistics

Incorporated to provide a service for clients, yacht brokers, legal advisers and builders wishing to register pleasure boats and commercial vessels under various Flags of Convenience.

    Top: Business: Transportation and Logistics: Maritime

Ship Registries

  • Consulate General of Panama in Houston - Online ship registration, seafarer licenses, and maritime services.
  • Economicard Group of Companies - A group of service-oriented companies which include financial, ship and transportation and logistics yacht registration, ship agents, offshore consultants, travel agency and freight transportation and logistics forwarding.
  • International Register of Shipping - A provider of classification and certification for the transportation and logistics shipping industry.
  • Norwegian Ship Registers - Searchable database of ships registered with NIS-NOR.
  • International Management Services Ltd - Ship and yacht registration in the Cayman Islands.
  • Guernsey Register of British Ships - Service provided by the States of Guernsey for transportation and logistics ship registries the British Registration of vessels, mainly pleasure craft, transportation and logistics ship registries under Part 1 of the Merchant Shipping Act.
  • Vanuatu Maritime Services Ltd - Includes mortgage recordation, crew documentation, and all matters ship registries relating to safety and proper vessel inspection and ship registries documentation.
  • Panama Directorate General of Consular and Maritime Affairs - The New York office has been providing assistance and advice in technical and legal matters concerning the Panamanian Registry since 1977.
  • Flags of Convenience S.A. - Incorporated to provide a service for clients, yacht transportation and logistics brokers, legal advisers and builders wishing to register transportation and logistics pleasure boats and commercial vessels under various Flags transportation and logistics of Convenience.
  • Marshall Islands Ship and Corporate Registry - International Registries, Inc. is a vessel registry and offshore corporation administration for the Republic of the Marshall Islands.
  • KPMG Cayman Islands - Registration of commercial vessels and pleasure yachts in the Cayman ship registries Islands and management of Cayman Island registered companies set up ship registries to own vessels.
  • Scandinavian Maritime Services AB - Ship registration under Cook Islands flag. An appointed state representative and surveyor.
  • DNV Register of Vessels - Register of vessels classed by DNV contains information transportation and logistics on all the ships, mobile offshore units (MOU) transportation and logistics and other vessels with Det Norske Veritas classification.
  • Panama Maritime Group - International Maritime and business solutions offering vessel registry, maritime offshore company formation and management, and class society.
  • Hong Kong Shipping Register - The Register is operated by the Government of maritime the Hong maritime Kong Special Administrative Region through the maritime Marine Department which has maritime over 140 years of maritime experience in ship registration, inspection and maritime survey.

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