Shipyards Maritime Transportation and Logistics

Provides ship-type cargo care solutions. Products include air conditioning chillers, cranes, shipboard elevators and escalators, hatch covers, galleys, refrigerated cargo handling systems, RoRo equipment and cargo securing systems.

    Top: Business: Transportation and Logistics: Maritime


See Also:
  • El Badaoui Shipyard - Tripoli, Lebanon. They list their repair and construction transportation and logistics maritime services, with specifications for the dry dock and transportation and logistics maritime the slipways.
  • ISOICO (Iran Shipbuilding & Offshore Industries Complex) - Design, construction and repair of ships and offshore structures. They provide information on facilities and corporate structure in English, with more complete listing of capabilities and projects in Farsi.
  • Service Stations for Ships - Directory of repair yards and spare parts suppliers transportation and logistics from publisher Storck Verlag.
  • Shipbuilding Discussion Group - Shipyard workers, boat operators, owners, designers, engineers, researchers, transportation and logistics educators, and students respond to questions, announce new transportation and logistics developments, or post technical information relevant to ship transportation and logistics production.
  • Arab Heavy Industries (AHI) - Ajman, UAE. Ship repair, conversion, and building, transportation and logistics as well as steel fabrication services. They describe transportation and logistics their facilities, including a 30,000 DWT dry dock, transportation and logistics four slipways, and machine and electrical shops, with transportation and logistics a list of major projects completed.
  • Multimarine Services - Limassol, Cyprus. Afloat ship repairs, drydocking of yachts and small vessels, cleaning, and steel fabrication. Photos of recent projects, listing of services and equipment, and information on employment.
  • Israel Shipyards - Haifa. Construction of military and commercial ships, as maritime well as aluminum boats and steel structures. They maritime overview their facilities and list recent projects.
  • MacGregor Group - Provides ship-type cargo care solutions. Products include air shipyards conditioning chillers, cranes, shipboard elevators and escalators, hatch shipyards covers, galleys, refrigerated cargo handling systems, RoRo equipment shipyards and cargo securing systems.
  • MARCO Seattle - An overview of business areas, which include design transportation and logistics and construction of purse seiners, trawlers and tugboats, transportation and logistics hydraulic fishing machine, and open-water oil and pollution transportation and logistics clean-up vessels and systems, from facilities in Seattle, transportation and logistics Washington, and Chile.
  • ASRY (Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard) - Bahrain. Floating and dry docks, designed to handle shipyards very large shipyards vessels. They describe some notable repair shipyards projects, with information on shipyards the company\'s facilities and shipyards key staff.
  • Aker Yards - From yards in Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Norway and Romania, shipyards they construct cruise vessels, ferries, merchant ships, and offshore and shipyards specialized vessels. They describe the products and capabilities of each shipyards yard, with corporate news and financials.

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