People Particle Swarm Artificial Life

His research interests include application of intelligent systems to power systems and power systems analysis. Some of his papers can be downloaded from the website.

    Top: Computers: Artificial Life: Particle Swarm


See Also:
  • Carlisle, Anthony J. - Professor at Huntingdon College. Applying the PSO to particle swarm Non-Stationary people Environments.
  • Engelbrecht, Andries P. - Computational Intelligence Research Group, University of Pretoria. Research people is done particle swarm in theoretical aspects of PSO and people developing new improved PSO particle swarm models.
  • Xie, Xiao-Feng - Particle swarm optimization (PSO), differential evolution (DE) and hybrid algorithms, particle swarm for optimization problems.
  • Lascari, Eleni - Personal information, publications, game theory, particle swarm, stochastic people optimization, evolutionary artificial life algorithms
  • van den Bergh, Frans - Researcher at South Africa, which is working on some enhancements artificial life to the basic Particle Swarm Optimizer
  • Mohan, Chilukuri K. - Professor at Syracuse University, research interests include evolutionary particle swarm algorithms particle swarm and artificial neural networks.
  • Li, Xiaodong - Swarm intelligence, Ant colony algorithms, Particle Swarm, Differential Evolution, Multi-agent simulation
  • Shi, Yuhui - Researcher in Particle swarm optimization, fuzzy logic, evolutionary artificial life computation.
  • Fukuyama, Yoshikazu - His research interests include application of intelligent systems to power systems and power systems analysis. Some of his papers can be downloaded from the website.
  • Sinclair, Mark C. - Research interests include telecommunications network design, evolutionary algorithms, bbject technology, software agents. you can find a java applet that shows how pso works.
  • Abido, Mohammad - Assistant professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, King Fahd artificial life University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. artificial life Includes description of his research areas.
  • Suganthan, P. N. - His research interests include particle swarm, evolutionary computation, particle swarm pattern people recognition, bioinformatics and neural networks.
  • Parsopoulos, Konstantinos - Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece: Computational and particle swarm Swarm Intelligence with Applications.
  • Hu, Xiaohui - Research focus is biomedical data analysis and computational intelligence, especially particle swarm particle swarm optimization.
  • Eberhart, Russell C. - One of the founders of particle swarm optimization. particle swarm IEEE people fellow

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