Research Groups Artificial Life Computers

    Top: Computers: Artificial Life

Research Groups

  • Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne - Logic Systems Laboratory. Developing novel bio-inspired computing computers machines and artificial life programs; Designing novel reconfigurable systems; Developing computers biologically inspired robots. (Swizerland)
  • University of Aarhus - EVALife: Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life. People, research groups research, publications, links. (Denmark)
  • Dublin City University - School of Electronic Engineering, Artificial Life Laboratory. artificial life People, computers research, publications, links. (Ireland)
  • University of New Mexico - Adaptive Computational Group. Special interest: interactions between research groups biology artificial life and computation. (USA)
  • University of Sussex - Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems. A large group computers researching Artificial artificial life Life, Evolutionary Computation, and Adaptive Behaviour. computers (UK)
  • Iowa State University - Department of Computer Science, Complex Adaptive Systems Group. Studying natural and artificial complex systems. People, links. (USA)
  • Adaptive Systems Research Group - University of Hertfordshire. People, projects, publications, links to other groups. artificial life (UK)
  • Universidad de Granada - Departamento de Arquitectura y TecnologĂ­a de los Computadores; Geneura Team. research groups Research in evolutionary computing and artificial worlds. (Spain)
  • Paris 6 - Laboratoire d\\'Informatique, AnimatLab; a node of EVONET. research groups Members, artificial life research projects, publications, software, meetings and other research groups resources. (France)

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