Development AutoCAD CAD and CAM

Sites about the process of extending AutoCAD with one of the many programming languages available for that purpose, such as:

    Top: Computers: CAD and CAM: AutoCAD


See Also:
  • ObjectARX & Dummies - Talk about programming using .NET framework and ObjectARX development Autodesk API.
  • AutoCAD Exposed - Information about undocumented features of AutoCAD, such as development commands, system variables, and functions of the ADS, development ARX, and AutoLISP programming interfaces.
  • Through the Interface - Site made by Autodesk member that contain information development to ObjectARX development API development and code samples.
  • Open Design Alliance - An association of CAD customers and vendors committed to promoting Autodesk\\'s AutoCAD DWG drawing file format as an open, industry-standard format for the exchange of CAD drawings.
  • ARX LT SDK - An extension to AutoCAD LT to enables the ObjectARX API cad and cam as with the standard version of AutoCAD.
  • CADing && Coding - A learning resource for AutoCAD Programming and Customization. AutoCAD.Net programming cad and cam with C#, VBA Programming, DIESEL Macros and AutoCAD Tips and cad and cam Tricks.
  • Py_acad - A free software module that makes it possible autocad to extend development AutoCAD with the Python programming language, autocad in a similar way development as with AutoLISP.
  • AutoCAD Developers Group Europe - A non-profit association of software developers who are autocad working on development applications around AutoCAD.

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