Database Theory Computer Science Computers

A subgroup of the Computer Society concerned with the role of data in the design, development, management and utilization of information systems.

    Top: Computers: Computer Science

Database Theory

See Also:
  • AutoMed Data Integration Project - Documentation and software from the AutoMed project, which provides the first implementation of the both as view approach to data integration
  • Databases: Past, Present, and Future - Explores how and why databases originated, where they database theory are today, and where they may be headed. database theory Focuses on Relational Database history.
  • DBWORLD - An ACM SIGMOD discussion email list announcing conferences, jobs, books, computer science software and grants. Posting requires (free) registration.
  • VLDB Endowment Inc. - Very Large Data Base Endowment Inc.: a non-profit organisation for computers promoting and exchanging scholarly work in databases and related fields.
  • Database Management Systems - Computer Science course for database management systems. Has information about database theory SQL and Relational Algebra. A Database-I course for graduates of database theory the masters program in computer science
  • IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Data Engineering - A subgroup of the Computer Society concerned with the role of data in the design, development, management and utilization of information systems.
  • ACM SIGMOD Online - ACM's Special Interest Group on Management Of Data.
  • Database DebunkIing - Dedicated to dispelling fallacies and misconceptions prevailing in database theory the database industry. Find publications, educational information and database theory links.
  • Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems - Full Book in PDF-Format available at
  • A free cookbook for sql queries - A free repository for common (and not so computer science common) computer science SQL queries.
  • The Concept-Oriented Portal - Provides information on the concept-oriented paradigm including the computers next generation database theory concept-oriented database model (CODBM)
  • Data Mining Resources - Data Mining Resources Web Mining Resources Knowledge Discovery computer science Resources
  • Temporal Database Concepts - Defines a wide range of terms and concepts specific to database theory the temporal database research community.
  • DBLP Bibliography - Bibliography primarily focused on DataBase systems and Logic Programming
  • Data Modelling - Explains the value of data modelling in an computers application analysis computer science project.
  • Bibliographies on Database Research - Searchable collection of bibtex bibliographies on database research.
  • Data Warehousing and OLAP - Papers on data warehousing and online analytical processing available online.

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