ebXML Applications XML Markup Languages

ebXML (electronic business XML), sponsored by UN/CEFACT and OASIS, is a modular suite of specifications that enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical location to conduct business over the Internet. Using ebXML, companies now have a standard method to exchange business messages, conduct trading relationships, communicate data in common terms and define and register business processes.

    Top: Computers: Data Formats: Markup Languages: XML: Applications


  • openebXML - An open source initiative with the goal to xml implement ebXML. Site offers information, mailing list, CVS xml access, downloads under Mozilla like license.
  • Implementing ebXML - Panel discussion at XML Europe 2001 conference focusing xml on how does ebXML fit with the work xml of other industry standards groups.
  • The XML coverpages ebXML directory - General information, links and a list of historical xml events (news).
  • oz-ebxml group - An Interest Group for Australia representatives for the ebXML initiative with over 100 members.
  • Webswell Connect - Open source ebXML registry/repository server and client (ebxmlrr ebxml implementation), including all necessary components already configured.
  • ebXML - Sponsored by UN/CEFACT and OASIS is a modular applications suite of xml specifications that enables enterprises of any applications size and in any xml geographical location to conduct applications business over the Internet. News, technical xml specifications, reports,mailing applications lists, references to impleme
  • ebXML Registry/Repository reference implementation - Open source reference implementation at Source Forge. News, ebxml CVS access, ebxml documentation and bug database available. Source ebxml released under Apache Software ebxml License.
  • ebXML - A Critical Analysis - A series of articles which offer a critical analysis of xml the recently completed ebXML initiative. Of particular interest is its xml success in achieving interoperability and support for SMEs. By Rawlins xml EC Consulting.
  • Statement from IBM concerning patent - Statement from IBM regarding intellectual Property Rights concerning CPPA. IBM offers royalty free licensing under reasonable and non-discriminatory (RAND) terms and conditions, in accordance with IBM's then current licensing practices.
  • ebXMLsoft - Offers information about ebXMLsoft products, news, Java-XML samples, applications technology links.
  • ebXML implementations - This page lists known ebXML implementations (mostly commercial).

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