Books News and Media XML Markup Languages

By Jeni Tennison. Owners of the book can download all-new content from the Web and access a searchable version of the book online. Sample chapter provided.

    Top: Computers: Data Formats: Markup Languages: XML: News and Media


  • XML by Example - Online companion site for this book XML by books Example, by xml Benoit Marchal.
  • Wrox Press: XSLT Programmer's Reference - By Michael Kay. Covers using the XSLT language books to develop xml web applications. Online book discussion and books sample chapter provided.
  • DocBook: The Definitive Guide - Online companion site of this O\\'Reilly publication and partial mirror books site of OASIS site for DocBook.
  • XSLT and XPath On The Edge, Unlimited Edition - By Jeni Tennison. Owners of the book can xml download all-new content from the Web and access xml a searchable version of the book online. xml Sample chapter provided.
  • XML and Java - Overview of XML programming techniques, standard APIs, and tools.
  • Definitive XML Schema: Author's Site - Information about the book Definitive XML Schema by Priscilla Walmsley. Includes errata and downloadable schema examples.
  • XML - Lists books for sale on the topic of books XML. Includes books descriptions of individual books, reviews and books purchase information.
  • XML For Dummies - A basic overview of XML, its capabilities, syntax, news and media and technologies, step-by-step methods for designing, building, and news and media using XML's extensible features. Includes CD-ROM.
  • The XML Bible - Covers document type definitions, style sheets, supplemental technologies, and applications. news and media Description, table of contents, and sample chapters.

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