Disputed Domain Names Domain Names Internet

Boy makes funny site ( Big company gets miffed and sues. Boy displays moral and intellectual superiority. Company displays frothing lawyers. [kuro5hin]

    Top: Computers: Internet: Domain Names: Disputed Domain Names

See Also:
  • Will CNN Site Spoof Crash? - A hearing is underway in Atlanta to determine domain names whether CNN\\'s request for a temporary restraining order domain names will be granted, in which case Exley\\'s site domain names will be repressed for 10 days while the domain names court decides the merits of case. By Aparna domain names Kumar. [Wired]
  • David vs. Goliath, once again - Boy makes funny site ( Big company disputed domain names gets miffed and sues. Boy displays moral disputed domain names and intellectual superiority. Company displays frothing lawyers. disputed domain names [kuro5hin]
  • CNN Is Not Amused by Web Parody - Internet satirist Zack Exley is at it again. After having disputed domain names launched a now-famous Internet site parodying President Bush during the disputed domain names campaign, his latest effort mocks the CNNfn Web site. [UPI disputed domain names News]
  • Parody site in CNN's crosshairs - Exley, once described as a "garbage man" by then-presidential candidate domain names George W. Bush for his parody of the official Bush domain names campaign Web site, is now under fire from AOL Time domain names Warner\\'s CNN division for his latest creation, By Karl domain names Corry

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