lockheedsucks.com and lockheedmartinsucks.com Disputed Domain Names Domain Names Internet

Lockheed Martin filed a complaint to seize lockheedsucks.com and lockheedmartinsucks.com from Dan Parisi. On 26 January 2001 WIPO decided not to transfer lockheedsucks.com and lockheedmartinsucks.com to Lockheed Martin.

    Top: Computers: Internet: Domain Names: Disputed Domain Names

lockheedsucks.com and lockheedmartinsucks.com

See Also:
  • WIPO Decision: Lockheed Martin Corporation v. Dan Parisi - Text of WIPO decision not to transfer lockheedsucks.com disputed domain names disputed domain names and lockheedmartinsucks.com from Dan Parisi to Lockheed Martin disputed domain names disputed domain names Corporation.

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