Security Hotmail Web-Based Free

Microsoft's Web-based e-mail service suffered a damaging blow to its integrity Monday when a security breach came to light that made it so anyone's Hotmail messages could be read. By Robin Lloyd.

    Top: Computers: Internet: E-mail: Free: Web-Based: H: Hotmail


See Also:
  • Slashdot: Another Hole in Hotmail - Article and discussion of HTML attachment attack.
  • Register: MS Passport cracked with Hotmail - Passport authenticates a user for access to his h credit cards h and Web site accounts and passwords, h to make life easy h for on-line merchants and h shoppers, and hackers and identity thieves. h By Thomas h C. Greene.
  • Wired: Hotmail Has a Hole - and a Fix - A Danish government official has reported a security h hole that h could allow unauthorized access to private h accounts on Hotmail, the h free Web email service. h The company confirmed the hole exists h and said h Friday it would patch it within a day. h h By Michael Stu
  • CNN: Status of Hotmail privacy unclear - Microsoft\\'s Web-based e-mail service suffered a damaging blow h to its integrity Monday when a security breach h came to light that made it so anyone\\'s h Hotmail messages could be read. By Robin Lloyd.
  • Wired: Stealing MS Passport's Wallet - To correct serious security flaws, Microsoft on Friday disabled the virtual wallet function of its Passport service and has begun notifying partners about the vulnerabilities, the company has confirmed. By Brian McWilliams.
  • Wired: Hotmail Bug, Still an Open Book? - Security updates made last month to Microsoft\\'s free email service, Hotmail, may have failed to fix the problem. Not only that, but privacy watchdogs fear that the fix might actually help the company analyze their users\\' Web browsing habits. By Michael St
  • Wired: Hotmail Open to Script Attacks - Tom Cervenka, a Web programmer at Canadian Specialty security Installations, spent h last week working on some clever security coding to send to h his Hotmail account. It security tells users account access has been h timed out security and that they need to re-enter their account h security and password in
  • CNet: Cookies cap Hotmail security hole - Hotmail said it will mandate the use of h cookies to hotmail plug a newly discovered security hole.
  • HotMail JavaScript-in-Attachment Attack - Explanation of JavaScript in HTML attachments security hole, since fixed.
  • CNET Hotmail bug fix not a cure-all - Microsoft\\'s free Web-based email service Hotmail last night implemented a partial fix for a JavaScript security problem.
  • Wired: Hotmail Hackers: 'We Did It' - A previously unknown group known as Hackers Unite security has claimed h responsibility for publicizing Hotmail\\'s security breach, security which Microsoft vehemently denied h was the result of security a backdoor oversight. By James Glave.
  • Wired: Hotel Hotmail - As outages and service problems continue to plague h Microsoft\\'s free email service Hotmail, users who try h to cancel their accounts may be in for h a surprise: They can\'t. By Polly Sprenger.
  • ZDNet: Huge Hotmail security flaw reported - In potentially one of the largest security e-mail breaches ever, security a Web site may have allowed people access to millions security of private Hotmail accounts.
  • Register: Hacking Hotmail Made Easy - Some bright empiricist from Root-Core has discovered that h anyone can log into their Hotmail account and h then call messages from any other Hotmail account h by crafting a URL with the second account\\'s h username and a valid message number. By Thomas h C Greene.
  • BetaNews: Hotmail Flaw Raises Questions Over XP Security - Late Sunday night, Root Core, a group of hotmail computer security h experts, published information exposing vulnerabilities in hotmail Microsoft's popular service.
  • Wired: Hotmail Accounts Exposed to All - No sooner was one catastrophic security flaw closed Monday -- h one that exposed millions of Hotmail accounts to prying eyes h -- when another one appeared. By Declan McCullagh and Ja.
  • CNET Hotmail plugs security hole - Microsoft\\'s Hotmail today claimed victory over the security holes that have put the free email firm on the hot seat this week.
  • Wired: Microsoft Rights Hotmail - Microsoft has fixed a serious vulnerability in its security Hotmail email h program that tricks users into sending security their usernames and passwords h to an outside email security address. By Michael Stutz.
  • Slashdot: Update: MS Says Hotmail "Security Issue" Resolved - News and discussion.
  • Telepolis: Turning Tides - The significance of the Hotmail crack. Article by Felix Stalder linking the problems at Hotmail with the Sun purchase of Star Division.
  • BBC: Hotmail Hole Exposes E-mails - Details of how to read other people\\'s messages have been posted on a website run by a group called Root Core and it has quickly spread to other sites and newsgroups.
  • Slashdot: Hotmail Cracked Badly - Brief description of issue.
  • CNET New security glitch for Hotmail - Security-minded programmers are finding holes in Microsoft\\'s Hotmail security faster than the free Web-based email service can security plug them.
  • Wired: Did MS Dig Its Hotmail Hole? - The Hotmail security hole may have been an h intentional backdoor that Microsoft built into its system h for maintenance purposes, security experts said. By James h Glave.
  • Slashdot: Hotmail Hacked - This isn\\'t the first time that the folks h who are security gonna give us a internet wide h universal login system had security a hole. News and h discussion.
  • Microsoft Passport to Trouble - Describes a security hole by which a hacker security can gain hotmail access to a user\\'s Passport shopping security profile by stealing their hotmail Hotmail cookie.

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