Etiquette Internet Computers

Gives a description of the main rules of online etiquette. A quiz, mailing list, and ordering information for an etiquette book are also provided.

    Top: Computers: Internet


See Also:
  • The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette - A guide to all aspects of electronic communication, including Telnet etiquette and FTP. A question and answer section is also given.
  • - Provides guidance on how to use e-mail and the Internet in various social situations.
  • - Information on netiquette, quizzes, advice, e-zine and forums.
  • How to Keep Out of Trouble With Your E-mail - Guidelines for using Internet e-mail and mailing lists politely.
  • Netiquette - The Code of Conduct for the Internet - Contains basic \\'rules\\' to follow when interacting with others online via email, chat or forums.
  • Concise Guidelines for Net Etiquette - Over twenty five years of mistakes have made internet THE Eggman etiquette a pretty good authority on what internet you should NOT do etiquette to survive in Cyberspace. internet Here, he shares the major no-nos etiquette with you.
  • Netiquette Home Page - Gives a description of the main rules of online etiquette. internet A quiz, mailing list, and ordering information for an etiquette internet book are also provided.
  • - Netiquette Guidelines - Guidelines and examples on how to respectfully communicate computers and interact etiquette with others on the Internet.
  • Net-Ethiquette Cases - A lengthy list of poor or abusive practices computers on the etiquette Internet which are to be avoided.
  • The Customer Respect Group - An international research and consulting firm, publishes the computers Online Customer etiquette Respect Index (CRI) and provides industry computers and company-specific research and etiquette analysis to help companies computers increase sales and customer retention by etiquette improving how computers they treat their cus
  • Netiquette Guidelines - This is the full text of RFC 1855, which is etiquette the unofficial standard work on electronic etiquette.
  • Internet Netiquette - Gives a summary of the important points of internet e-mail, mailing computers list, USENET, and chat etiquette.
  • Networking on the Net - An article on professionalism, ethics and courtesy on the Internet, internet with special reference to e-mail, bulletin board, and chat communications.

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