Chat Etiquette Internet

Guide shows ten easy things to do to ensure your questions are answered quickly and well in a live chat environment.

    Top: Computers: Internet: Etiquette


See Also:
  • Growing Forum Participation - Ways to encourage growth of a chat or forum community, partly by avoiding behaviors that stifle that growth.
  • ThirdAge Chat Etiquette and Rules - Basic rules for chat room usage as well etiquette as details chat for chatters to know about their etiquette chatting.
  • How To Ask Questions The Smart Way - Guide to teach how to ask chat technical questions chat in a way more likely to chat get a chat satisfactory answer.
  • Internet Slang Dictionary and Translator - is an internet slang dictionary and translator. Finally you chat can understand what your kids are talking about.
  • Chat Etiquette - Some personal observations of bad behavior in chat internet rooms.
  • The Help Vampire: A Spotter's Guide - Help vampires monopolize the time of people who internet answer questions in chat rooms and forums. A internet guide on "helping" them without putting out tremendous internet and sometimes futile effort.
  • Getting Answers - Guide shows ten easy etiquette things to do to ensure your questions are etiquette answered quickly and well in a live chat etiquette environment.
  • Who is a lamer? - Presents a list of qualities associated with lamers internet on IRC channels, with recommendations on how to internet avoid being judged lame.

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