Specifications RSS Syndication and Feeds On the Web

"There are 9 versions of RSS, all of which are incompatible with various other versions." Describes the 9 versions and gives examples of the incompatibility issues.

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  • RSS 2.0 Specification (version 2.0.8) - The current Really Simple Syndication 2.0 specification, published specifications by the syndication and feeds RSS Advisory Board.
  • rss-dev - The email list for the RSS interest and working groups, rss discussing the present and future of the RSS format, as rss well as working on uses and development. Responsible for RSS1.0
  • Diveintomark - The Myth of RSS Compatibility - "There are 9 versions of RSS, all of which are incompatible with various other versions." Describes the 9 versions and gives examples of the incompatibility issues.
  • RSS 1.0 - The latest "Complex RSS" specification. As created by specifications the members of RSS-DEV. It extends RSS with specifications RDF-style metadata, and modules.
  • RSS 0.92 - DEPRECATED. The Userland specification of RSS0.92 - by Dave Winer, specifications December 25 2000
  • RSS 0.91 - DEPRECATED. Description of RSS current practice. By Dave syndication and feeds rss Winer, UserLand.
  • RSS 0.90 - DEPRECATED: A copy of the original Netscape version specifications of the RSS0.90 specification. This is no longer specifications in use, and is here for historical reasons specifications only.
  • RSS 1.1 - Draft of RSS 1.1 standard, a proposed replacement specifications to RSS 1.0.
  • Open Content Syndication Directory Format - Open Content Syndication is an XML format for syndication and feeds describing channel listings, including RSS files.
  • RSS 0.93 - DEPRECATED. A abandoned upgrade of the Userland specification of RSS0.93 - by Dave Winer, April 20 2001
  • RSS 1.0: The New Syndication Format - Background on the RSS 1.0 Spec. By Jonathan rss Eisenzopf, Web syndication and feeds Reference.
  • RSS 2.0 - The latest "Simple RSS" specification - following on from 0.93, specifications and not including RDF
  • Mod_enclosures Proposal - Proposal of enclosures support for RSS 1.0 (as module) and RSS 2.0.[PDF]

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