RSS 2.0 Modules Specifications RSS Syndication and Feeds

Modules and guides for the extension of RSS 2.0

    Top: Computers: Internet: On the Web: Syndication and Feeds: RSS: Specifications

RSS 2.0 Modules

  • blogChannel RSS module - A RSS module that adds elements at the channel level rss 2.0 modules that are common to weblogs.
  • Proxy RSS Module - An RSS module that adds a capability of syndicating proxy specifications lists in RSS 2.0 feeds.
  • Extending RSS 2.0 With Namespaces - Extending RSS 2.0 With Namespaces by Morbus Iff
  • Media RSS Module - An RSS module that supplements the enclosure element capabilities of specifications RSS 2.0 to allow for more robust media syndication.

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