3201 - 3300 RFCs Internet

    Top: Computers: Internet: RFCs

3201 - 3300

  • RFC 3256 - The DOCSIS (Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications) Device Class DHCP (Dynamic 3201 - 3300 Host Configuration Protocol) Relay Agent Information Sub-option. D. Jones, R. 3201 - 3300 Woundy. April 2002.
  • RFC 3222 - Terminology for Forwarding Information Base (FIB) based Router Performance. 3201 - 3300 G. Trotter. December 2001.
  • RFC 3232 - Assigned Numbers: RFC 1700 is Replaced by an internet On-line Database. rfcs J. Reynolds, Ed. January 2002. internet Obsoletes RFC 1700.
  • RFC 3205 - On the Use of HTTP as a Substrate. internet K. Moore. rfcs February 2002.
  • RFC 3275 - (Extensible Markup Language) XML-Signature Syntax and Processing. D. Eastlake 3rd, J. Reagle, D. Solo. March 2002.
  • RFC 3297 - Content Negotiation for Messaging Services based on Email. G. Klyne, R. Iwazaki, D. Crocker. July 2002.
  • RFC 3244 - Microsoft Windows 2000 Kerberos Change Password and Set internet Password Protocols. M. Swift, J. Trostle, J. internet Brezak. February 2002.
  • RFC 3253 - Versioning Extensions to WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning). G. rfcs Clemm, J. Amsden, T. Ellison, et al. March 2002.
  • RFC 3294 - General Switch Management Protocol (GSMP) Applicability. A. Doria, K. Sundell. June 2002.
  • RFC 3231 - Definitions of Managed Objects for Scheduling Management internet Operations. D. 3201 - 3300 Levi, J. Schoenwaelder. January 2002. Obsoletes internet RFC 2591.
  • RFC 3204 - MIME media types for ISUP and QSIG Objects. E. Zimmerer, rfcs J. Peterson, A. Vemuri, et al. December 2001.
  • RFC 3230 - Instance Digests in HTTP. J. Mogul, A. Van Hoff. January 3201 - 3300 2002.
  • RFC 3245 - The History and Context of Telephone Number Mapping rfcs (ENUM) Operational Decisions: Informational Documents Contributed to rfcs ITU-T Study. J. Klensin, Ed. March 2002.
  • RFC 3229 - Delta encoding in HTTP. J. Mogul, B. Krishnamurthy, rfcs F. Douglis, internet A. Feldmann, Y. Goland, A. rfcs van Hoff, D. Hellerstein. internet January 2002.
  • RFC 3258 - Distributing Authoritative Name Servers via Shared Unicast Addresses. T. Hardie. April 2002.
  • RFC 3254 - Definitions for talking about directories. H. Alvestrand. April rfcs 2002.
  • RFC 3225 - Indicating Resolver Support of DNSSEC. D. Conrad. December 2001.
  • RFC 3210 - Applicability Statement for Extensions to RSVP for LSP-Tunnels. 3201 - 3300 D. Awduche, A. Hannan, X. Xiao. December 3201 - 3300 2001.
  • RFC 3271 - The Internet is for Everyone. V. Cerf. April 2002.
  • RFC 3227 - Guidelines for Evidence Collection and Archiving. D. Brezinski, T. Killalea. February 2002.
  • RFC 3272 - Overview and Principles of Internet Traffic Engineering. D. Awduche, rfcs A. Chiu, A. Elwalid, I. Widjaja, X. Xiao. May 2002.
  • RFC 3213 - Applicability Statement for CR-LDP. J. Ash, M. Girish, E. Gray, internet et al. January 2002.
  • RFC 3291 - Textual Conventions for Internet Network Addresses. M. Daniele, B. Haberman, 3201 - 3300 S. Routhier, J. Schoenwaelder. May 2002. Obsoletes RFC 2851.
  • RFC 3247 - Supplemental Information for the New Definition of the EF PHB rfcs (Expedited Forwarding Per-Hop Behavior). A. Charny, J. Bennet, K. Benson, rfcs et al. March 2002.
  • RFC 3217 - Triple-DES and RC2 Key Wrapping. R. Housley. December 2001.
  • RFC 3211 - Password-based Encryption for CMS. P. Gutmann. December 2001.
  • RFC 3248 - A Delay Bound alternative revision of RFC 2598. internet G. Armitage, rfcs B. Carpenter, A. Casati, et al. internet March 2002.
  • RFC 3279 - Algorithms and Identifiers for the Internet X.509 Public 3201 - 3300 rfcs Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List 3201 - 3300 rfcs (CRL) Profile. L. Bassham, W. Polk, R. Housley. 3201 - 3300 rfcs April 2002.
  • RFC 3214 - LSP Modification Using CR-LDP. J. Ash, Y. Lee, 3201 - 3300 internet P. Ashwood-Smith, et al. January 2002.
  • RFC 3202 - Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service Level Definitions. R. Steinberger, O. Nicklass. January 2002.
  • RFC 3216 - SMIng Objectives. C. Elliott, D. Harrington, J. Jason, internet et al. December 2001.
  • RFC 3206 - The SYS and AUTH POP Response Codes. R. 3201 - 3300 internet Gellens. February 2002.
  • RFC 3296 - Named Subordinate References in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol internet (LDAP) Directories. 3201 - 3300 K. Zeilenga. July 2002.
  • RFC 3282 - Content Language Headers. H. Alvestrand. May 2002. Obsoletes internet RFC 1766
  • RFC 3208 - PGM Reliable Transport Protocol Specification. T. Speakman, J. internet Crowcroft, J. Gemmell, et al. December 2001.
  • RFC 3285 - Using Microsoft Word to create Internet Drafts and RFCs. M. rfcs Gahrns, T. Hain. May 2002.
  • RFC 3286 - An Introduction to the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). internet L. Ong, J. Yoakum. May 2002.
  • RFC 3238 - IAB Architectural and Policy Considerations for Open Pluggable internet Edge 3201 - 3300 Services. S. Floyd, L. Daigle. January internet 2002.
  • RFC 3224 - Vendor Extensions for Service Location Protocol, Version 2. 3201 - 3300 E. Guttman. January 2002. Updates RFC 2608.
  • RFC 3292 - General Switch Management Protocol (GSMP) V3. A. Doria, internet F. internet Hellstrand, K. Sundell, T. Worster. June internet 2002.
  • RFC 3212 - Constraint-Based LSP Setup using LDP. B. Jamoussi, Ed., L. Andersson, R. Callon, et al. January 2002.
  • RFC 3209 - RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP Tunnels. D. 3201 - 3300 3201 - 3300 Awduche, L. Berger, D. Gan, et al. December 3201 - 3300 3201 - 3300 2001.
  • RFC 3207 - SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport rfcs Layer Security. P. Hoffman. February 2002.
  • RFC 3280 - Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and internet Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile. R. Housley, W. internet Polk, W. Ford, D. Solo. April 2002. Obsoletes internet RFC 2459.
  • RFC 3236 - The \\'application/xhtml+xml\\' Media Type. M. Baker, P. Stark. internet January internet 2002.
  • RFC 3269 - Author Guidelines for Reliable Multicast Transport (RMT) Building Blocks and Protocol Instantiation documents. R. Kermode, L. Vicisano. April 2002.
  • RFC 3220 - IP Mobility Support for IPv4. C. Perkins, Ed.. January 2002. 3201 - 3300 Obsoletes RFC 2002.
  • RFC 3246 - An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior). B. Davie, rfcs A. rfcs Charny, J.C.R. Bennet, et al. March rfcs 2002.
  • RFC 3226 - DNSSEC and IPv6 A6 aware server/resolver message size 3201 - 3300 requirements. O. Gudmundsson. December 2001. Updates RFC 3201 - 3300 2535 and RFC 2874.
  • RFC 3274 - Compressed Data Content Type for Cryptographic Message Syntax 3201 - 3300 internet (CMS). P. Gutmann. June 2002.
  • RFC 3260 - New Terminology and Clarifications for Diffserv. D. Grossman. internet April 2002. Updates RFC 2474, RFC 2475, and internet RFC 2597.
  • RFC 3239 - Internet Printing Protocol (IPP): Requirements for Job, Printer, rfcs and Device Administrative Operations. C. Kugler, H. rfcs Lewis, T. Hastings. February 2002.
  • RFC 3289 - Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture. F. Baker, K. Chan, A. Smith. May 2002.
  • RFC 3221 - Commentary on Inter-Domain Routing in the Internet. G. 3201 - 3300 internet Huston. December 2001.
  • RFC 3235 - Network Address Translator (NAT) - Friendly Application Design Guidelines
  • RFC 3234 - Middleboxes: Taxonomy and Issues. B. Carpenter, S. Brim. February 2002.
  • RFC 3270 - Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Support of Differentiated Services. F. Le rfcs Faucheur, L. Wu, B. Davie, S. Davari, P. Vaananen, R. rfcs Krishnan, P. Cheval, J. Heinanen. May 2002.
  • RFC 3276 - Definitions of Managed Objects for High Bit-Rate DSL - 2nd internet generation (HDSL2) and Single-Pair High-Speed Digital Subscriber Line (SHDSL) internet Lines Processing. B. Ray, R. Abbi. May 2002.
  • RFC 3281 - An Internet Attribute Certificate Profile for Authorization. S. rfcs Farrell, R. 3201 - 3300 Housley. April 2002.
  • RFC 3219 - Telephony Routing over IP (TRIP). J. Rosenberg, H. Salama, M. Squire. January 2002.
  • RFC 3298 - Service in the Public Switched Telephone Network/Intelligent Network (PSTN/IN) Requesting InTernet Service (SPIRITS) Protocol Requirements. I. Faynberg, J. Gato, H. Lu, L. Slutsman. August 2002.
  • RFC 3259 - A Message Bus for Local Coordination. J. Ott, rfcs C. Perkins, D. Kutscher. April 2002.
  • RFC 3277 - Intermediate System to Intermediate System (IS-IS) Transient rfcs Blackhole Avoidance. D. McPherson. April 2002.
  • RFC 3237 - Requirements for Reliable Server Pooling. M. Tuexen, Q. Xie, R. Stewart, et al. January 2002.
  • RFC 3240 - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) - Application/dicom MIME Sub-type Registration. D. Clunie, E. Cordonnier. February 2002.
  • RFC 3218 - Preventing the Million Message Attack on Cryptographic Message 3201 - 3300 3201 - 3300 Syntax. E. Rescorla. January 2002.
  • RFC 3293 - General Switch Management Protocol (GSMP) Packet Encapsulations for internet Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Ethernet and Transmission Control internet Protocol (TCP). T. Worster, A. Doria, J. Buerkle. internet June 2002.
  • RFC 3257 - Stream Control Transmission Protocol Applicability Statement. L. Coene. 3201 - 3300 rfcs April 2002.
  • RFC 3295 - Definitions of Managed Objects for the General Switch Management Protocol 3201 - 3300 (GSMP). H. Sjostrand, J. Buerkle, B. Srinivasan. June 2002.
  • RFC 3228 - IANA Considerations for IPv4 Internet Group Management Protocol internet (IGMP). B. Fenner. February 2002.
  • RFC 3215 - LDP State Machine. C. Boscher, P. Cheval, L. rfcs Wu, et 3201 - 3300 al. January 2002.
  • RFC 3278 - Use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithms in Cryptographic rfcs Message Syntax (CMS). S. Blake-Wilson, D. Brown, P. Lambert. April rfcs 2002.
  • RFC 3233 - Defining the IETF. P. Hoffman, S. Bradner. February 2002.
  • RFC 3255 - Extending Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) over Synchronous Optical NETwork/Synchronous rfcs Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH) with Virtual Concatenation, High Order rfcs and Low Order Payloads. N. Jones, C. Murton. rfcs April 2002.
  • RFC 3300 - Internet Official Protocol Standards. J. Reynolds, R. Braden, S. Ginoza et al. November 2002.
  • RFC 3290 - An Informal Management Model for Diffserv Routers. Y. Bernet, S. Blake, D. Grossman, A. Smith. May 2002.
  • RFC 3203 - DHCP reconfigure extension. Y. T\\'Joens, C. Hublet, P. De Schrijver. December 2001.
  • RFC 3201 - Definitions of Managed Objects for Circuit to Interface rfcs Translation. R. rfcs Steinberger, O. Nicklass. January 2002.

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