Hosting Web Design and Development Internet

South African firm offers domain name registration, web design, e-commerce and shopping cart options, and web hosting on Windows 2000 servers with FrontPage support.

    Top: Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Hosting


  • Webcore Labs - Provides shared web hosting with database, Cold Fusion, hosting PHP and hosting MySQL support.
  • Windy City Web Solutions - Offers shared and reseller plans with site builder.
  • Web Hosting Space .Net - Offers shared plans with antivirus, MySQL and Fantastico. hosting Also, provides web design and development domain registration service.
  • WTV-Zone - Offers web hosting services to computer and MSN w TV users. Features include file manager and w basic image editor.
  • Website Hosting 1 - Offers shared plans.
  • Web Hosting Sizzle - Provides web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration.
  • The Web Factory - Provides domain registration service and shared plans in web design and development MAC OS platform.
  • WebCentrix - Offers Apple Macintosh hosting and colocation with Oracle, web design and web design and development development Lasso, Filemaker Pro and MySQL support.
  • Web Burner - Offering Microsoft Windows 2000 hosting featuring automated control panels, ASP Components, SQL 7.0/2000, ASP.NET.
  • Way 2 Host Corporation - Offers shared hosting and domain registration. Based in Illinois, United States.
  • Webspace Gurus - Provides Linux shared web hosting.
  • - Provides web hosting and business hosting with PHP support.
  • - Offers web hosting and colocation service.
  • Web 5 Star - Offers web hosting with ecommerce options. Based in Australia.
  • - Offers Windows 2000 hosting, ASP, .Net, web-based email, hosting statistics and web design and development control panel administration.
  • Want Java - Offers web, application, and data hosting services, specializing w in Java web design and development and Oracle Technologies.
  • Web Publishing and Development Corp. - Offers web hosting, email hosting and DNS services.
  • William Trouard Computer Consulting - Offer shared plans that support PHP, MS SQL, Perl, FrontPage and ASP.Net, Helm Control panel.
  • The Web Power - Web hosting with frontpage extensions and domain registration.
  • Wide Domain Internet - Offers shared hosting with control panel, PHP, Perl, SSI, SSL and MySql support.
  • WebGuyz.Net - Offers Windows Web Hosting on Windows 2003 Servers. w Features include hosting ASP.Net, PHP, MySQL, SQL 2000, Dedicated w servers and Domain Name hosting services as well.
  • Web Page Mania - Offers domain hosting, dial-up connections, webpage design, ecommerce and shopping carts.
  • Web HSP, LLC - Offers shared plans, virtual private servers, dedicated servers, web design and w development domain registration and reseller plans.
  • Web Animotion LLC - Offers domain name registration and shared UNIX web w hosting.
  • - Offers shared, dedicated, reseller, colocation webhosting services.
  • Warp Speed - Web hosting.
  • Window Web Hosting - Offers shared web hosting,e-commerce hosting solutions and domain name registrations. hosting With support CGI/Perl, PHP, ASP.NET.
  • West Coast Host Inc. - Offers shared hosting, reseller hosting, dedicated servers and domain registration. web design and development Based in Florida, United States.
  • Wyenet Services, LLC - Offers UNIX and Windows 2000 shared hosting and web design and development dedicated servers.
  • Well Thought Out - Windows based hosting. Supports ASP, .NET, PHP4, MySQL, web design and development Access, MS SQL.
  • Webland Media - Provides website design and maintenance, programming, and a variety of hosting web hosting plans. Web hosting including support ASP.NET, PHP, Perl.
  • - Provides multiple plan web hosting featuring the Hsphere Hosting Control hosting Panel and domain name registration.
  • Weblinenet Services - Offers web hosting plans with FrontPage support and domain name web design and development registration.
  • Wolf Web Solutions - Offers shared web hosting.
  • Web Space Outlet - Offers domain registration and shared web hosting with web design and development FrontPage, Miva Merchant, PHP, Perl and SSL.
  • World Wide Mart, Inc - Offer shared web hosting, reseller web hosting and domain registration.
  • Web Hosting Metro - Offers hosting with web-based control panel, private CGI w bin, FrontPage web design and development 2000/98, Perl and PHP support.
  • Webspiders Interweb Pvt.Ltd - Provides Windows 2000 and Linux hosting with domain name registration web design and development and merchant services.
  • World Soft International - Offers Windows shared plans with ASP.NET, PHP and Perl support.
  • Whatnott Technologies, LLC - Offers Linux shared web hosting and reseller hosting.
  • Websecurestores - DotNetNuke ASP.NET website hosting services.
  • - Provides web hosting and E-commerce solutions, with support for CGI, Perl, Python, PHP, mSQL and MySQL.
  • Web Fusion - Offers shared, reseller and dedicated plans in Windows w and Linux hosting platform. Also, provides domain registration.
  • Web Hosting Wholesale - Web site hosting.
  • - Offers hosting. Located in Massachusetts, United States.
  • Wired Hosting - Offers ASP.NET web hosting, dedicated and virtual hosting, hosting domain name w registration and DotNetNuke.
  • Web App Cabaret - Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JSP, and servlet hosting service for running w and sharing web applications.
  • Web Link Hosting - Offers shared plans.
  • Web Divisor - Provides UNIX and Windows shared web hosting.
  • Weberz - Offers shared, reseller and dedicated plans in Linux and Windows w platform.
  • Web Now - South African firm offers domain name registration, web web design and hosting development design, e-commerce and shopping cart options, and web web design hosting and development hosting on Windows 2000 servers with FrontPage support.
  • Web Panache - Offers shared and dedicated hosting. Supports FrontPage, ASP, web design and development .NET Access and MySQL.
  • Web Hosting Logic - Offers Linux shared web hosting, colocation, dedicated servers and domain registration.
  • Web Hosting Plus - Offers unlimited POP3 email accounts, autoresponders, and FrontPage web design and web design and development development extensions.
  • Web Host - Offers shared plans and domain registration.
  • Web Net Hosting - Offers shared web hosting, dedicated servers and e-commerce web design and w development web hosting.
  • Web Professionals - Offers full featured hosting plans.
  • Webolution LLC - Offers shared web hosting and dedicated servers with hosting shopping carts supports.
  • Web Business - Offers shared web hosting.
  • Web One Hosting - UK-based virtual web servers include support for CGI, FrontPage, PHP, ASP, and Perl scripting.
  • Web Net Solution - Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration. Based web design and development in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Wonder Hosting - Canadian firm offers web hosting with FrontPage, shopping hosting cart, FTP, web design and development control panel and statistics.
  • Webhosting Future - Offers shared web hosting.
  • Webster Wed Hosting - Offers Linux and Windows 2000 shared web hosting web design and web design and development development and dedicated servers.
  • Web Integrity - Offers shared plans and dedicated servers with Unix or Windows w operating system.
  • Web Fever - Offering web hosting and site submissions to search w engines.
  • Webarama - Offers shared hosting, dedicated servers, reseller program and domain registration. w Based in Victoria, Australia.
  •, Inc. - Offers do-it-yourself and web design, hosting, ecommerce, domain name, marketing, w and email.
  • Web Nests - Offers web hosting, domain registration and frontpage 2000 support.
  • Webz Pro - Offers reseller and shared plans. Also, provides domain registration and web design services.
  • Webhosting 24 UK - Offers domain registration and shared web hosting with virus and spam filters.
  • Web Hosting Edge - Offers design, hosting and domain registration. Located in hosting Washington, United web design and development States.
  • Windows Host - Offers domain registration and Windows web hosting with hosting ASP, FrontPage, w TCL, Python and statistics.
  • - Offers web hosting, domain registration, and ecommerce packages.
  • Web Click Hosting - Plans include personal control panels, PHP, shopping carts, w and hosting.
  • WPPI - Provides web hosting.
  • Web Conquest - Offers web hosting services with email boxes, full CGI/PHP capabilities.
  • Web Hosting Solutions - Offer Web site development, e-commerce and internet marketing web design and w development services.
  • Web Geek Hosting - Offers web hosting service with PHP, CGI and MySQL.
  • Worria Affordable Web Hosting - Offers reseller and UNIX shared plans, plus domain w registration services.
  • Webstrike Solutions - Offers domain name registration, web hosting on Unix hosting and Windows w 2000 servers.
  • Web 750 LLC - Offers shared hosting.
  • Web Kor International - Offers web hosting and domain registration.
  • Web Hosting Servers Ltd - Offers reseller packages. Supports PHP, MySQL and FrontPage web design and development extensions. Based in New Zealand.
  • W2Kx-Web - Offers Windows shared plans with Access, MySQL and MS SQL w support.
  • - Offers hosting services for the web, e-shop, and web design and web design and development development e-mail.
  • - Offers web hosting with site builder or shopping hosting cart.
  • - Offers Linux and Windows 2000 shared web hosting. web design and web design and development development Supports ASP, PHP and MySQL.
  • Web Sites Solutions - Offers shared web hosting.
  • WeDo Inc. - Provides shared web hosting and dedicated hosting services. hosting Based hosting in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  • The Website Creator - Offers shared web hosting with PHP, Front Page, w MySQL and web design and development CGI support.
  • Webstar India - Provides Windows 2003 Server based web hosting and domain name web design and development registration services with MS SQL Server, ASP, ASP.Net, PHP, CDO web design and development by MS, Real Audio/Video, MS Access support.
  • Westmaster ISP Corp - Provides virtual, dedicated and managed web hosting, e-commerce w and co-locations.
  • Web Hosting Canada - Offers shared hosting and domain registration. Located in web design and development Quebec, Canada.
  • Web-Host - Offers virtual web hosting, domain registration, with SSL hosting certificates and web design and development merchant services.
  • Wizard Internet Services - Web site hosting services.
  • Web Keepers Inc. - Offers shared web hosting, virtual private servers and hosting dedicated servers.
  • Web-DJ Net, LLC. - Offers shared web hosting with FrontPage, SSL, PHP, web design and development MySQL, Perl and Real Audio/ Video support.
  • Web Hosting UK - Offers shared web hosting with HELM control panel. w Based in w United Kingdom.
  • Web Domains 4u - Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and dedicated web design and development servers.
  • Web Hosting Australia - Offers Linux and Windows 2003 web hosting with Front Page w support. Also, offers domain registration.
  • Web Hosting Buzz - Provides shared web hosting and reseller hosting.
  • Website Source - Offers web hosting for personal and small business hosting websites.
  • Webnet 77 - Offers shared web hosting and domain registration.
  • Wire Nine Hosting - Provides shared plans, reseller plans and dedicated servers.
  • WestHost Inc. - Offers web hosting, dedicated servers, e-commerce, shopping carts and web marketing tips.
  • Webteh - Slovenia-based firm offers hosting on Linux and Windows web design and w development 2000 servers with control panel.
  • Webspace Solutions - Offers shared web hosting, dedicated servers and colocation service.
  • Web Space 1 - Offers shared web hosting
  • Web & Server - Provides scalable Unix and Windows 2000 servers, database hosting and ASP support, Cold Fusion, and Live Statistics.
  • Web Name Host - Provides web hosting and domain registration.
  • World Connect Hosting - Offers Unix and Windows shared plans with Coldfusion w support. Based hosting in Vancouver BC Canada.
  • Web - Offers shared web hosting with Frontpage, PHP, CGI, w MySQL, and web design and development spam filtering. Based in United Kingdom.
  • Webbase - Offers shared web hosting with optional site builder. web design and web design and development development Based in New Zealand.
  • Web1Host - Offers webhosting, dedicated servers, and domain registration.
  • Wcsweb Networks - Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and dedicated w servers.
  • Waterfront Web - Shared web hosting and ecommerce web hosting.
  • Web Sytz - Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and dedicated servers.
  • Wowrack Technologies - Provides managed dedicated hosting, shared hosting and reseller hosting.
  • Webstatic Internet Services - Offers web hosting with FrontPage, CGI, SSL, statistics web design and development and shopping cart. Based in United Kingdom.
  • Wiser - UK-based firm offers domain registration and Linux web hosting with SSL, PHP, MySQL and SSI.
  • Web Site Hosting Company UK - Offers web hosting and domain name registration. Based in United Kingdom.
  • Webulant, Inc. - Offers Windows shared web hosting.
  • Web Gusto - Provides shared web hosting, email hosting and domain registration.
  • Webporter - Offers shared web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration.
  • W3 Hosting - Offers shared and reseller plans on the Linux platform.
  • Web Studio Seattle, LLC - Offers Windows NT, Unix and Mac web servers.
  • Winterfire Internet Services - Offers shared hosting, dedicated servers, co-location and reseller web design and web design and development development program.
  • Wickedbox Internet Services - Offers shared plans.
  • Web 1 Hosting - Offers domain registration and Linux shared web hosting w with control panel, MySql, Python, SSI and SSL w support.
  • Wallis Weedon Webnet - Offers web hosting with PHP, CGI, SSI, MySQL w and control web design and development panel. Based in Nottingham, England.
  • Web Hosting Today - Offers shared web hosting and reseller hosting with FrontPage, MySQL, w PHP, Python and Perl supports.
  • Wholesale 4 - Offers one account to host unlimited domains.
  • Web Quest Hosting - Offers hosting with options for Perl, PHP, SSI, web design and development SSL and FrontPage.
  • Web Hosting India - Hosting, design, and promotion. Linux based servers.
  • Web Hosting - Offers shared plans with optional Microsoft SQL databases. Also, offers dedicated servers. Support ASP, CGI, PHP, ASP.NET scripting.
  • W3 International Media Ltd - Offers Linux and Windows 2000 shared web hosting and dedicated web design and development servers.
  • Web Serve Canada - Canadian firm offers domain registration, dedicated servers and w shared web w hosting.
  • Web-Zonic, Inc. - Offers Linux shared hosting and reseller program. Supports PHP and MySQL.
  • Web Host Service - Offers Linux and Windows NT shared web hosting hosting with shopping cart.
  • Win Web Hosting - Offers Windows and Linux shared plans. Supports ASP.NET, JSP, MSSQL, hosting MSAccess, MySQL. Based in United States.
  • Webquarry - Offers Linux shared and reseller plans with shell w access, Frontpage, Perl, PHP and MySQL.
  • - Offers managed and unmanaged dedicated servers, a colocation web design and hosting development facility, and shared hosting options.
  • Wizziweb - Offers shared web hosting and domain registration. Based web design and development in United Kingdom.
  • Webhosting One - Offers UNIX and Windows web hosting and domain web design and hosting development registration.
  • Wave Networks LLC - Offers shared web hosting.
  • Web Host Freaks - Offers Linux shared web hosting. Supports PHP and web design and web design and development development MySQL.
  • We Host Webpages - Offers shared hosting with Perl, PHP, MySQL, SSI, hosting SSL, custom hosting error page, control panel and statistics.
  • White Dog Green Frog - Provides shared plans and domain registration.
  • Web Hosting Intl. - Offers several packages, dedicated servers and co-location. Located web design and development in Georgia, United States.
  • World Portal - Offers web hosting, web design, marketing and e-commerce services.
  • Web Wizards - Web hosting and reseller hosting.
  • Website Beach - Offers shared plans with e-commerce option. Also, provides hosting web design w service.
  • Wonderer, Inc - Offers UNIX and Windows 2000 web hosting.
  • Webonline - Offers shared plans, dedicated server, domain registration and fax to w email service. Based in South Africa.
  • Webconexion Internet Solutions LTD - Offers domain registration, shared web hosting and dedicated hosting servers. Supports web design and development PHP, MySQL and Perl.

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