Adobe Director Software Multimedia

Free online resource for multimedia developers. Includes Director source code and behaviors, 3D objects and textures, Power Point templates, audio and buttons.

    Top: Computers: Multimedia: Software

Adobe Director

See Also:
Editor's Picks:

Adobe Director* - Software information page for Adobe Director. Contains product information, reviews, product resources, showcase, support and training information, community resources and downloads.

  • Dave Mennenoh's Director Pages - Articles, demos, tips.
  • - Contains source code and tutorials.
  • The Director Community Bugbase - Community resource for logging and tracking bugs, quirks, adobe director and adobe director issues in Director.
  • Xtrasy - Macromedia Director developers portal to Xtras, books, links, tutorials, demos, adobe director and code for multimedia developers.
  • Mediamacros - Includes Director resource of information, including news, articles, behaviours and forums.
  • - Director User Group forum covering help, training, news adobe director and multimedia Director showcase.
  • Multimedia Training Videos - Online videos on the basics of Director, Flash software and Photoshop.
  • Shocksites - Site developed to help people find sites that software pertain to Macromedia Director.
  • Farbflash - A range of Director samples, tools, widgets. Includes multimedia shockwave 3D, Imaging Lingo and Lingo examples with multimedia downloadable source files.
  • MultimediaHelp - Free online resource for multimedia developers. Includes Director adobe director source adobe director code and behaviors, 3D objects and textures, adobe director Power Point adobe director templates, audio and buttons.
  • Chrome Lib - Includes 3D Library of behaviors with camera management, adobe director tweening, model handling, rendering parameters and UI components.
  • - German forum for Director related issues. Includes an software English section.
  • Zeus Productions - Site of Bruce Epstein, author of Lingo in a Nutshell and Director in a Nutshell (O\\'Reilly). Includes examples, utilities and sample chapters.
  • Macromedia Director as a Prototyping and Usability Testing Tool - Tutorial in ACM Crossroads magazine.
  • Openspark - Nonlinear Notes for Developers - Contains articles, sample movies with well commented code.
  • Director Web - Archive resource of tips and demos for Macromedia Director.
  • HowStuffWorks - shockwave - This encyclopedic style site has beautifully rendered articles software of such software a diverse nature as to also software include this intro on software using 3D Shockwave Web software graphics.
  • Killing Moon - Various tutorials, references and source code for Lingo programmers.
  • Director Online - Technical tips, Lingo tutorials, news and features for Director users.
  • ilikecake Director Notes - Tutorials and notes on animation, behaviors, and Lingo.
  • Dean's Director Tutorials - Tutorials and technotes covering the basics of Director multimedia including animation, multimedia sound, scripting, shockwave 3D and advanced multimedia Lingo.
  • Adobe Director Online - Director learning resources with samples, tutorials and tips and tricks.
  • onwine - Contains demos, source files and links.
  • Windows For Shockwave - A set of Library Palette behaviors for Director 8.5+ that software enables drag and drop creation of onstage windows, modal dialog software boxes, and cascading menus. Allows multiple sprites to be treated software as a unit, and supports creation and destruction of dynamic software sprites

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