Contests Programming Computers

A unique annual contest in which a winner is selected from participants who comes to the closest to demonstrating that machines can think like humans, as per the Turing Test.

    Top: Computers: Programming


See Also:
  • DSAP - Data Structures + Algorithms = Programs. Algorithm materials and programming programming problems from informatics contests.
  • Project Euler - A series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require programming more than just mathematical insights to solve.
  • Al Zimmermann's Programming Contests - A series of programming contests that offer cash contests prizes. computers Any programming language may be used. contests These contests are conducted computers at irregular intervals, generally contests once or twice a year.
  • MacHack - Annual Macintosh programming contest and convention.
  • Valladolid Programming Competition - An online contest with information about writing competitions, programming questions, and an online judge.
  • The Robot World Cup Initiative - Soccer playing computers.
  • Bitwise - An annual online programming contest organized by the Computer Science programming and Engineering Department Society of IIT Kharagpur. Information on the programming contest, sponsors and resources.
  • Internet Problem Solving Contest - Online programming contest for teams, open to anyone.
  • JRobots - Java-based Robots Programming challenge.
  • Teamwork in Programming Contests - Tips and observations from a team of programmers contests who have contests regularly won in the ACM programming contests contests. Published in contests ACM Crossroads, the student contests magazine of the ACM.
  • Programming Contest Problems Archive - If you are preparing for a programming contest, this page contests might be useful. Includes past problems of national, regional and contests international contests.
  • The 1KB 6502 Programming Contest - Contest programming on the 6502 microprocessor. Valid programming programs must run on the 1 KB ram programming Microtan65.
  • BUTE Budapest International 24-hour Programming Contest - Annual 24-hour contest hosted by Budapest University of contests Technology and Economics. The contest is open to contests a limited number of international teams of 3 contests people via an internet qualifying round.
  • TopCoder - Online computer programming competitions in the Java, C++, computers and C# computers languages. Competitions take place twice a computers week, and members can computers win from $25-$300. Major computers tournaments have a prize purse of computers $250,000.
  • Programmer of the Month - A periodical problem solving contest for programmers from contests all over contests the world. Active forum.
  • OpenECG Programming Contest - A programming contest for Electrocardiography record handling applications programming and tools, using the SCP-ECG Standard.
  • Loebner Prize - A unique annual contest in which a winner contests is selected from participants who comes to the contests closest to demonstrating that machines can think like contests humans, as per the Turing Test.
  • Sphere Online Judge - Problemset archive, online judge and contest hosting service accepting solutions in C, C++, Pascal, Java and other languages.
  • International Contest for ICCS - Programming contest disseminated by the Nalini Foundation in five categories: programming computation, simulation, graphic patterns, words, mind benders.
  • C++ Robots - C++ based robots programming challenge.
  • RAD Race - The Rapid Application Development Race is a programming competition open programming to any kind of development tool and/or language. The programming RAD Race focuses on real life business and administrative programming programming and not on algorithm development.
  • The International Obfuscated C Code Contest - A contest to write the most obscure/obfuscated C contests program.
  • Swiss Olympiad in Informatics - The SOI is a national programming contest for computers people up programming to 20 years in age.
  • iDevGames : uDevGame Contest - An annual event that promotes game development on contests the Macintosh computers computer.
  • RoShamBo Programming Competition - A Rock-Paper-Scissors programming competition.
  • OpenChallenge - 3-monthly challenge. Every three months the innovations are computers published under computers GNU GPL/FDL licenses.
  • Denison Spring Programming Contest - The Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Denison University hosts contests a programming contest each spring for small colleges. It informs contests about previous results and current winners.
  • 2002 MiniGame Compo - Aim is to write a game in 1024 contests bytes of computers code, for an 8-bit home computer contests such as the Atari computers 2600, NES, CPC+, or contests TI99/4A. Includes competition news and computers details of contests entries.
  • International InfoMATRIX Computer Project Competition - Participants have to create a project for any of the contests categories (Programming, Design and Use of Computer, Desktop Publishing, Computer contests Art) First of all, each school must select one contests representant.
  • Internet Programming Contest - Duke University sponsors a programming contest that takes programming place in real-time over the internet.
  • ICFP Programming Contest - Annual programming contest held in conjunction with International Conference on Functional Programming. Accepts submissions written using any programming language.
  • MiniGame Compo - Contest to write a fully playable game in contests under 1K contests or 4K. Open to games for contests classic 8-bit computers.

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