figForth Implementations Forth Languages

32-bit DOS excerpt of fig-Forth, generated from the generic figforth 'fig86.gnr'. In fig tradition, it is based on an assembler in only one file. Free download.

    Top: Computers: Programming: Languages: Forth: Implementations


  • White Lightning - Crash: White Lightning Strikes - A high level development system for the Spectrum forth 48K which forth conforms to standard Fig-Forth.
  • lina - 32-bit fig-Forth for Linux: in fig tradition it is based forth on an assembler in only one file, so no c-code forth is present nor are any c-libraries called. Binary file works forth on all Linux versions since 1.2. Free download.
  • forth32 - 32-bit DOS excerpt of fig-Forth, generated from the generic figforth figforth \\'fig86.gnr\\'. In fig tradition, it is based on an assembler figforth in only one file. Free download.
  • The Last Fig-Forth Ever - A collection of ducumentation and downloads of the figforth fig-Forth series of compilers.

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